Rest in Tartu: What do you need to know?


If you think well, it turns out that behind those who stand the impressions and the long-awaited exciting rest is not at all necessary to go to distant-range countries. Literally in the neighborhood of inquisitive tourists, there is a marvelous city of Tartu, combining picturesque landscapes on its territory, interesting sights and diverse entertainment. You can look here for a couple of days or grease for a whole week. In any case, the time spent in Tartu to remember for a long time. After all, no wonder the travelers in this youth city with a centuries-old history will be honored with satisfying food, treat the best beer and open the most intimate corners in front of them. However, as in any other city, rest in Tartu has its own characteristics.


You can plan a trip to Tartu at any time of the year. Summer here moderately warm. The daily temperature average is +22 ° C. At the same time, the most pleasant month is July. However, August in the amount of warm days he is little inferior to him, but a bit of spoiling rest this month can rainy days. The largest precipitation falls for the period from August to the end of September. By the middle of autumn, the rains stop and at the same time the city becomes like a colorful kaleidoscope with yellow, red and even green foliage on trees and sidewalks. Tourists can admire all this beauty during hiking or cycling in Tartu. And if suddenly the weather is drawn to be mistaken, then in front of the guests of the city can appear a funny spectacle - a partially covered ice-covered symbol of Tartu, the fountain "kissing students".

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As for winter weather, she is unpredictable and changeable in Tartu . The local winter can be very soft with daytime temperatures from +2 to -4 ° C, and it can surprise with stronger frost and wind. And yet, even in the cold period, the city deserves attention from tourists. Merry winter walkings are arranged in local parks with ice skating, playing hockey and other fun. Yes, and familiarity with the Snow-covered Doma Cathedral, which is drawn on the top of the Tommen Hill, produces an indelible impression. So those who are not afraid of snow, wind and cold can visit Tartu in any of the winter months. Well, it is better to visit fans to go here in a sunny day from May to July.

Language and attitude to tourists

The official language of the country is Estonian, and, accordingly, the residents of Tartu talk on it. However, most of the young citizens are freely expressing in English. As for the older generation of Estonians, they often understand Russian speech, but they don't like to speak Russian. Therefore, tourists who have noticed such an attitude should not insist on communicating on one and native one for another interlocutor. It is better to go to English. In this case, the hotel's room will be able to get a lotume and maintenance in the restaurant more closely.

Public transport

To move through Tartu, tourists can use a taxi, a city bus, a rented car and a bicycle or, in the end, their own legs. Buses are moving along several routes covering the entire territory of the city. Bright red "beads" walk strictly on schedule, which can be clarified by the 12012 telephone number.

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In the case of bus travelers, it should be noted that one-time tickets for travel in it must be purchased in advance in special kiosks, supermarkets or visitor center. On average, travel in this type of transport will cost 0.85 euros. However, if several trips are expected during the day, then in order to save money, you can buy a day ticket or even a ticket that gives the right to ride a bus for 10 days. The validity period of this pass specifically is indicated as a broken date. And yet, one-time tickets must be composting immediately after landing on the bus. Otherwise, tourists face a hefty penalty. And the controllers in local buses are often found.

As for the taxi services, about ten carriers engaged in this type of activity operate in the city. Machine can be called by phone or catch right on the street. Moreover, the necessary phone number will be prompted by the hotel, restaurant or ordinary townspeople. As for the tariff fare, it can be clarified by the driver before boarding the car or read any taxi on the rear window.

If desired, travelers can rent a car or a bike for movement in Tartu and the surrounding area. Car rental in the city, Avtomir, Atlas, Mini-Rental, and some more similar offices are engaged in the city. All of them work from Monday to Friday. In order to take into temporary use, four-wheeled tourists will need to present a driver's license of an international sample and a bank payment card. The age of the alleged driver must be at least 21 years, and driving experience of 1-2 years. On average, the cost of the daily rental of the car will cost 30 euros. As for the accompanying costs, it will be a fuel payment (about 1.3 euros per liter) and parking fees. If the time to use the parking lot will not exceed 15 minutes, the service will be free. Otherwise, the parking lot has to lay out from 0.50 to 1.50 euros per hour. Also serious finance loss for tourists can be paid a fine for violation of traffic rules. In Tartu, the minimum fine size is 200 euros.

In the city of Lavra popularity among vehicles, buses and bikes are divided among themselves. Most of the locals move around the city on two-wheeled assistants. Travelists can follow their example. Bicycle rent offer some hotels, hostels and special rental locations.

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One of these items operates on Riga (RIIA), 130, one more can be found on the treasury (AARDLA), 122. The cost of the day rental bicycle will be 10-14 euros. Tandem can be taken on day for 22 euros. In the tourist season, rolling offices introduce an additional service - hourly rental. In this case, the hour use the bicycle will cost an active holiday in 2-3 euros.

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