Shopping in Saipan. What to buy?


Sapipan Island, attracting many tourists with warm weather, sandy beaches, the Emerald Sea, beautiful conditions for water entertainment, swimming and hiking, unfortunately, can not boast of fans of shopping races favorable and diverse shopping. And, nevertheless, local stores, boutiques and souvenir shops provide resting opportunity to purchase funny baubles and interesting things that will be a pleasant reminder of an exciting journey to the Northern Mariana Islands.

The sweetest and at the same time popular souvenir, which takes the greatest demand among tourists, is the horned Panda Saipan - Island Talisman. And although Panda, and the more horned, the island of Saipan does not live, this fictional animal mysteriously turned into one of the main symbols of the island. The name of the magic creature was born as a result of mixing two languages. Translated from the Japanese "Sai" means a rhino, and "Panda" - accordingly translates as a black and white bear. Saipand can be purchased as a soft toy or as a plastic night light. The cost of the Talisman Island starts from $ 7.

Shopping in Saipan. What to buy? 19709_1

The most inexpensive acquisition of tourists during the rest on the island can be a beautiful magnet to the refrigerator. It can be made in the form of a map of the island, a beach slipper or a yellow circle with the image of a horned panda. All sorts of magnets are sold in island hotels, souvenir shops and shops. However, the largest selection of magnets, key chains, mugs and t-shirts with the inscription "I love Saipan" Tourists will find in the largest trading and souvenir center of the Island of Star Sands Plaza, which is located on Beach Road in almost the center of Garatan.

Shopping in Saipan. What to buy? 19709_2

In this huge shop, everything you need for rest are sold - from a sunscreen to male, women's clothing. Here 10 dollars you can buy a T-shirt of excellent quality or 400 grams of dried papaya. The shopping center provides its customers not only a large selection of goods, but also a number of additional services, as shipping shopping directly to a hotel or 10% discount on a bar, working on the territory of the "Star Sands Plaza", in case of purchase in the amount of over $ 50 .

  • This shopping complex works daily from 9:00 to 23:00.

By the way, next to him, tourists will find the only store of the Duty-Free T Galleria shop. In this place, it will not work 50 dollars, because here they trade with the objects of luxury and clothing of famous brands. Wealthy vacationers can look after the gallery jewelry from Bulgari or fragrant products from Dior. And tourists with the middle budget will have to be content with souvenirs or chocolate, which are also sold in the store.

  • Works T Galleria from 10:30 to 22:00.

Getting to both trading areas travelers can on free tourist buses, timetables of which are available at the reception of practical in all island hotels.

Another unusual souvenir brought from Saipan may become a bouquet of bo-jo-bo. This traditional charm is not easy symbolizing strength, wealth and love, but also is able to fulfill desires. Moreover, to strengthen health or bother with money, it is enough to produce simple manipulations with a doll. At least so they assure the indigenous inhabitants of the island. By the way, Bo-Jo-Bo is performed manually exclusively from natural materials and are usually sold in a pair. The body of dolls is made of walnuts of Bodjobo, attracting wealth, hands and legs to the owners of souvenirs, and legs with coconut fibers - ensuring strength, and their eyes are performed from grains that exude love.

Shopping in Saipan. What to buy? 19709_3

Dolls-girls dress up in colored skirts. Tourists wishing to attract good luck, it is worth buying a couple, the female half of which will be dressed in a yellow outfit. But with the strengthening health will help to cope with a steam bunch of dolls in which the girl will be clothed in a green skirt. Miraculous handmade products are sold in all souvenir shops Saipan. They are of different sizes - from 3-centimeter mini-dolls created as keychains, up to the full-fledged 50-centimeter wall faucenes. Consultation on the actuation of the Magic Force of Bo-Jo-Bo Tourists can get from the sellers. It is they who will tell tourists the secrets of the foot knitting knot from the boy-dolls that guarantee love loyalty, and a knot-related knot or on the abdomen of the girl's hands - providing a financial influx and happiness.

  • On average, a couple of small dolls costs about 4-5 dollars, but if you wish, you can find a miniature doll bundle for $ 3-3.5 or for all 20 dollars.

In addition to traditional souvenirs and t-shirts, the cap with the inscription "I Love Saipan" tourists can interest "edible" gifts, such as Saipan coffee or acute Tinane pepper. A sip of a fragrant drink, brewed already in his homeland, will revantly revive the pleasant memories of the journey to the island of Saipan. In addition, coffee can be a great gift to relatives or friends. It can be bought in the Joeten store, located opposite the gallery.

Shopping in Saipan. What to buy? 19709_4

  • A scented beverage bag with a lion image on a package costs from $ 15.

As for acute peppers, it is sold in all Saipan grocery stores and on the street market. The jar of Tinian pepper will cost tourists at 6-8 dollars. In its pure form, I would not advise him. But use the pepper as an additional ingredient when cooking meat dishes and sauces is the most. This "pended souvenir" gives dishes saturated and refined taste.

Some tourists may be interested in fruit non-fruit . Saipan has specialized stores selling non-none tea and cosmetics, which includes this exotic plant. One of these places is Noni Noni Store, working in the center of the island on Beach Road. Here, holidaymakers may first appreciate the taste of unusual tea and only after that make a purchase. Given the high cost of the shop, to make the acquisition of the NAVAUM should not. And even if the drink is to taste, it is better to ask the pair of places in a couple of places and only after that buy tea.

  • The average price of 120 gram packaging of tea is about 15 dollars, and the liter of the Nyoni-based cosmetic agent will cost $ 45-50.

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