Rest in Greece: Useful Information


Greece ranks first in Europe by the number of smokers per capita. And this is despite the fact that in the country since 2010 there is a ban on smoking in closed premises. But no one pays attention to this. In this regard, Greece - Paradise for smokers ...

In addition, Greece is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Five years ago was the most corrupt, but probably he paid someone to make it a little dismissed from the beginning of the list. Joke. In general, in order to enter the European Union in 1981, the Greek government faked some of the figures necessary for the European Parliament about the level of financial and trade relations in the country. And this is a real fact.

Rest in Greece: Useful Information 1963_1

The main custom of Greece is that they absolutely do not like to work. Most of all, they love to sit in street eaters, drink beer and look at passersby and passing cars. And necessarily all discussing everyone.

The Greeks also consider themselves the "most historical" nation. That is, in their opinion, all people are divided into two categories: they, Greeks, and everyone else. And in no way try to argue with them on this topic. It's better to be silent.

It is noteworthy that they do not like when they are called the Greeks, and the country of Greece. They themselves are considered to be Ellity, and Greece - Ellada (read as Hellas. ). And they are very pleased when you are in your speech exactly and speak about their country.

Greeks love to talk. I will give a dialogue for example, in which it took part personally. We were looking for a house on the seashore to remove to relax. I saw the Greek sitting in the garden on the chair, went to him to ask about housing. I ask him:

- Did you rent accommodation?

- Come in, sit down. Tell me how are you where you come from and so on.

I briefly told and ask again:

- So what about housing?

- Aaaa, no, I do not rent housing with rest!

I was just shocked. 20-minute conversation and absolutely useless for me ...

With all this, the Greeks are very friendly people. However, they require the same relationship. And the rudeness will always answer rudeness.

If you bring to relax somewhere in the Greek outback, away from megacities and main resorts, be sure to face the fact that the local is extremely reluctant to teach English. That is, do not know him at all. And since Greek language (and writing including) is very complex for perception, they will have to express on the fingers and language of gestures. Buy, for example, there are simply unreal in stores for swimming fafts. I did not understand how she was called in Greece - always thought it was a Greek word ...

Bye before traveling to Greece there is no need.

Theft at the resorts is the same as in the whole world.

In Greece, in many cities and villages are held excavations . The entrance is absolutely free there, no one goes behind you and does not control you. Therefore, on the excavations, tourists have the opportunity to walk almost where it sweeps and touch everything that lies badly. I told this, however, about excavations in small settlements.

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So, something is categorically prohibited from these excavations. Any artifacts, as well as items raised from the bottom of the sea, is forbidden to export from Greece. All this is confiscated on the border, and the violator is waiting for severe criminal liability. It is allowed to export only copies of the ancient works of art (just in case, save the check confirming your purchase).

It is also forbidden to export various plants, flowers and wild animals, as well as stuffed these animals and birds.

About drugs, weapons, pornography and so on I think you should not remind you.

Briefly everything.

Welcome to Greece, the cradle of European civilization!

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