What money is best to go to Rimini?


In Rimini, it is desirable to take the euro. Of course, there are branches of many banks in which dollars can be exchanged for euros, but what's the point? It is better not to take rugs with you, you can hardly exchange them somewhere. As for banking cards of world payment systems, they will be paid to pay, unless, of course, they will not be blocked by one or another, issued their banks. Before leaving, check which day limit is installed on the credit card. It is more convenient if it is defined in a 500EVRO / day.

Exchange points of the currency, as such, we have not seen, it is obvious that they are not.

What money is best to go to Rimini? 19584_1

Currency exchange can be exchanged only in the rally of the bank in the first half of the day, usually - to the hour of the day. Then - Siesta, i.e. - Break for lunch and rest, after which the vast majority of banks, although it works, but customers are not served. Cash with a card is safer and more convenient to obtain in an ATM, located directly in the premises of the Bank's office.

What money is best to go to Rimini? 19584_2

In order not to fuss on vacation and not waste time searching for the Bank's Department and currency exchange, it is better to take euro with you in sufficient quantity. The hotel's room has a safe where you can store documents and valuable things. Leave in the room nor on the beach things unattended - it will be too arrogant. There are security on the beaches, because Italian beaches are all paid, unlike Spanish, because are not municipal property, but private. It seems that safety is ensured there, but Lousy is valuable things, money and documents to store rooms in the hotel.

What money is best to go to Rimini? 19584_3

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