How to take yourself on vacation in Saipan?


Saipan is not easy point on the world map, and an amazing island, ready at any time of the year to surprise tourists with its natural attractions and well-developed entertainment infrastructure. During his stay on the island, the occupation for ourselves will find both beaches and amateur lifestyle lovers. And all because on a small size of Saipan there are a variety of beaches and nature itself have excellent conditions for snorkeling, trekking and diving.

Beach Vacation and Water Entertainment

There are many beaches on the Western and South Coast, among which tourists will be able to find a coastal corner corresponding to their wishes and goals. One of these places can be Beach Abyan Beach (Obyan Beach) spreading in the southern part of the island. Despite the fact that locals are preferred here, many tourists also visit this beach. The fact is that Abuhamy Beach has a good sandy coating of almost white and its water space is ideal for beginner divers who drove on their first dive in the open sea. Plus, rest on Abuhamy Beach can be combined with a walk to latte ancient Chamorro - a cluster of large stones that once were part of a residential village. According to the assurances of the islanders in the ruins there are spirits of the former owners and therefore in the Latte area it is impossible to talk loudly, and it should also mentally apologize to the spirits for the invasion. Such a walk may well be a kind of adventure for young tourists. By the way, the cluster of stone block is located very close to the beach, so the acquaintance with them is not particularly tired of vacationers and will very little distract from splashing in water and idle under the sun.

The best beach island is considered Maikro Beach (Micro Beach) located in the very center of Saipan. It is distinguished not only by beauty, but also clean snow-white sand, which can safely play and sculpt the mouths the smallest tourists. True, the warm quiet breeze is constantly blowing on this beach, and there are calm waves. But this does not at all pushes family tourists from visiting this place, and windsurfing lovers, so simple, even more attracts.

How to take yourself on vacation in Saipan? 19558_1

In addition, this is the only beach on Saipan, where tourists can observe the magic change in the color of water depending on the position of the sun. This is a fairly exciting occupation, the final of which can be a meeting of an unusually beautiful sunset. For fans of speed and salty splashes on the beach, riding water scooters and aquabays are settled, as well as acquaintance with wakeboarding. In addition to the beach holidays on Micro Beach, tourists will be able to spend good time at nearby American Memorial Park . In this cognitive and entertainment complex there is an equipped area for picnics and outdoor activities - Tennis games, softball.

On the east side of the island in the bay, ideally suitable for swimming under the surface of water with a mask and a tube, tourists will take place Lao Lao Bay Beach (Lao Lao Bay) . Here, guests of the island can be secluded in rose or as close as possible to get acquainted with the underwater inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean. During snorkeling in the Gulf, resting will be able to admire the corals and anemones, octopuses, acne and colorful fish.

How to take yourself on vacation in Saipan? 19558_2

At a certain time, on the beach, you can meet sea turtles and crabs that have been selected on land. And thanks to the coral reef, protecting the portion of the beach lagoon from large water, small children can splash in warm water of shallow water. From water types of entertainment on this beach there is snorkeling and banana skating. Moreover, all the necessary gear for swimming under the surface of the water Tourists can rent right on the beach or purchase in local stores.

  • The only drawback of this beach is its location. To get to the coast of tourists will have to overcome a small section of off-road and dense thickets. So, going to visit Lao Lao Bay Beach, it is worth taking care of a car that can move along a bumpy road.

Active entertainment

Tourists who do not accept lazy lying on the beaches or those who want to diversify it with more active entertainment, can engage in Saipan trolling . This kind of fishing from a moving boat delivers a lot of pleasure. Moreover, not even fishing fans get positive impressions and light up with sports amar. Moving fishing from 3 to 4 hours and during this time, tourists usually manage to catch at least one tuna or barracuda. To guarantee a big catch, the trolling organizers are not taken, but few people return with empty hands from the walk.

How to take yourself on vacation in Saipan? 19558_3

Caught fish Tourists can pick up with them and order its preparation as lunch / dinner in one of the island's restaurants. Such fishing is in great demand among the male half of tourists, but sometimes women show not a small interest in trolling.

  • It is worth entertainment from $ 120 for a four-hour tour. You can order it right on Saipan Beaches or in the Travel Agency.

Those who do not want to hunt fish, but you just want to admire it can commit submarine In the exotic world of oceanic depths. On Saipan, such services provides a specially equipped strollery submarine "Deep Star". Through the portholes of the ship, tourists are invited not only for skates, turtles, sharks and yardstones, but also carefully consider aircraft and ships lying on the bottom, sunken during the Second World War. The submarine begins his journey from the ferry base on the west coast of the island and moves at a depth of about 10 meters past the sunken aircraft, the ship and comes to the reserved area of ​​Coral Garden. Depending on the seabed direction, visibility during the underwater walk is different. However, if maritime and weather conditions are favorable, travelers will manage to see the octologists, multicolor tropical fish and funny nudibrancy.

How to take yourself on vacation in Saipan? 19558_4

  • Such entertainment by adult tourists of $ 96 will cost, and for children at 52 dollars.

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