Best excursions in Greece: Monasteries Meteora.


If you relax in the continental part of Greece, be sure to visit Meteoras . This is a unique complex consisting of several monasteries built on impregnable rocks-hermit monks in the X century. Meteors are located in the northern part of Greece in the mountains of the Fessels, not far from the Pinios River. We drove our car from the Volos (the resort city on the Aegean Sea), the distance is about 120 kilometers. And I also heard that a day trip to meteors is organized from Athens.

To be accurate, then the current monasteries are only six: 4 male and 2 female. Previously, there were more of them, but the rest did not spare. What immediately amazes is the unique inaccessibility of buildings. After all, indeed, monasteries are standing on the tops of the highest (up to 600 meters) in the area of ​​the rocks. And to imagine how with the help of a rope and baskets, the monks were closed there, it is impossible at all.

Now for convenience stone stairs and bridges are constructed. The entrance to the monasteries is open not only for believers, but also for ordinary tourists. And the number of tourists who visit Meteora monasteries daily exceeds thousands. For the Greeks, entrance is free, for all others - 3 euros. The mode of visiting monasteries is very complicated and individual for everyone, and in summer and in winter, the graphics are different. But in general, every day from 09:00 to 17:00 any of the monasteries can be found open.

In all monasteries, a very strict "dress code". Men should be in pants, women - in long skirts (when entering the monastery, the skirt can be borrowed right there), shoulders should be closed.

In 1988, Meteora Monasteries were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

I will try to stay in detail on those monasteries who visited personally. Actually, all monasteries are in a small radius, everyone leads a narrow road. If you are on the car, you can no problem (but neatly - the mountain road) drive up to monasteries. These are pointers, there are parking spaces near all. In principle, in one day you can see all 6 monasteries, but to go inside each of them just physically not enough time.

So, the first for us was Monastery of St. Stephen . It stands on a big cliff and towers right above the town of Castra. Previously, it was male and almost empty to the middle of the twentieth century. Later transformed into a female monastery, and now the richest of all. Inside, you can look at the life of the nuns, sites where they grow vegetables. Picturesque courtyard, monastic refectory with many icons and other items, rare wooden carved iconostasis. There is also a souvenir shop (you can not say that cheap). A convenient entrance on the pedestrian bridge leads to the monastery from the road.

Best excursions in Greece: Monasteries Meteora. 1955_1

Next on the way was male Monastery of the Holy Trinity . Actually, thanks to him, I generally found out about meteors. Once he saw a photo in a magazine, and since then, a visit to this place has become our goal. This monastery is built on a high cliff (400 meters) and looks more colorful. You can go to it on foot along the steep steps, which gave up in the twentieth century. All values ​​(icons, frescoes, the iconostasis itself) were looted. Therefore, inside you can only see the situation and decoration. The only thing that is well preserved is the fresco with the image of the Virgin. Tourists can approach the belfry along the path, look at the valley down. View of stunning. On the photo, pay attention to the gray cabin on the left on the background of the cliff. On this booth now, the monks fall into their monastery short way. Tourists are not allowed to use the cab.

Best excursions in Greece: Monasteries Meteora. 1955_2

By the way, the monastery of the Holy Trinity appears in the film about James Bond ("only for your eyes"). True, the monks did not let the filming group towards themselves in the monastery. Cinema creators had to build a copy of the original building on a nearby rock.

Further the road led to us Preobrazhensky monastery . It occupies the largest area and is located on the highest rock (600 meters). It is because of this that is called Great meteor . On the territory of the monastery, a temple was built inside which you can see very beautiful vintage frescoes, as well as wooden carved throne and iconostasis; Numerous vintage icons and one of the oldest Greek manuscripts.

Best excursions in Greece: Monasteries Meteora. 1955_3

Each invaluable subject occupies an honorable place in the museum located in the former meal. In Veliky Meteore, most values ​​are currently stored, which managed to maintain from looting in other monasteries. Also on the territory of the monastery you will see other well-preserved buildings. To the Preobrazhensky Monastery, just also in the rock was worn in the twentieth century. This is a male monastery and also applies to rich. There are several souvenir shops. And in one of the buildings of the monastery there is a kind of hotel - here they can find themselves the night pilgrims arriving from afar (by rumors, free of charge).

Surprisely came in the evening, and 5:00 pm arrived when monasteries are closed to visit. Then we just looked around near them, admired and took pictures. The time here flies imperceptibly and to visit all monasteries, one day is not enough.

But there were still a monastery of Varlaam, the monastery Rusana (St. Barbara), the monastery of St. Nicholas Anapaavsas. In each of them there is a lot worthwhile.

Best excursions in Greece: Monasteries Meteora. 1955_4

Meteora Monasteries are one of Greece's most impressive sights. Truly impressive. It is impossible to pass the sensation with words.

Best excursions in Greece: Monasteries Meteora. 1955_5

At the foot of the cliffs there is a small town of Kalambac. In the town and nearby villages there are restaurants and hotels in a sufficient number of hotels, as many tourists come here not for one day. And still take a look at the photo. The arrow indicates the belfry in the monastery of the Holy Trinity. Impressive scale?

Best excursions in Greece: Monasteries Meteora. 1955_6

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