Is it possible to relax yourself in Greece? Practical advice.


Organize an independent holiday in Greece or not - the question is ambiguous. First of all, it depends on the travelers themselves, whether they can relax themselves, without the help of travel agencies.

The fact is that Greece is a very peculiar country, with its traditions. And with their own characteristics. Some people will be difficult for themselves, without a guide, to be in this country and organize excursions. But the brave will receive a whole bouquet of unforgettable impressions from self-rest.

I believe that without a tour. Operators make sense to organize a trip in the event that you travel on your personal car. Here the complexity will be only in a large distance, which will have to pass the day. After all, from the most southern border crossing in Ukraine to Greece 800-900 kilometers (I do not remember exactly). At the same time, they will have to cross the south all Romania and Bulgaria, and even about 1,000 kilometers from the northern Greek border, and if you want to see the pelopones, then add more than 300 kilometers to it. I will not hide it, it is difficult. But, as they say, the road will be aswaling (in our case, gently).

The advantages that you cannot overestimate cannot be overestimated. Absolute freedom of action and movements around the country. You are not tied to any buses, no departures and aircraft. Door the time, as the soul wishes. Moreover, if an open visa allows, you can always extend the time of staying in the legendary Ellad (by the way, we extended several times living in "Our Villa", so I did not want to leave here).

Is it possible to relax yourself in Greece? Practical advice. 1953_1

The presence of its vehicle allows you to also "catch up" by the products of local production. Moreover, it can be both a variety of clothing and shoes and food. Where else can you be quite inexpensive to purchase a real Greek "Metax"? Here I ask not to confuse that incomprehensible drink, which used to be purchased in the Union and on the bottle with whom labels from "Metaxes" were pasted. This Greek brandy has a simply stunning unique bouquet (and has nothing to do with the worst taste from the past). And do not forget about the awesome Greek olives and olive oil. And now imagine yourself with two (one as a gift) five-liter kegs of olive oil at the airport !!! Because when you see how much they stand in Greece, it will be necessary to buy. Respect a personal car.

Thirdly, an independent trip to Greece will allow you to learn more deeply, getting closer to get acquainted with its traditions and customs. Especially if your holiday does not pass in a large megalopolis, but in a small town near the sea. For example, in the suburb of the hair. For example, in a small village of Critaria. There in the evening on the seashore in the so-called "cantines" are collected whole families with children and communicate. You will be glad there too. It is in such places that you can look at True Greece in all its glory.

And do not forget that driving on your car in the Greek towns, almost in each of them you can visit the ancient excavations. Many of them are open to visit even for free, no one controls you, does not twitch and does not drive. There, in principle, you can even imperceptibly "wash" something from ancient finds, since in the process of excavations, everything found just folds in one place. But this is the case of conscience. I ate in my hands a handle from some ancient bowl, but just to carry out something as shame. In general, put in place.

Is it possible to relax yourself in Greece? Practical advice. 1953_2

But in the Aegean Sea pulled a large marble stone from the water, brought home in the car and hoisted on the flower bed.

As for the cost of the trip, that is, a comparison with the air flight, I will note such moments. If you are traveling alone, it is definitely cheaper by plane. Just a trip by car is associated with a high cost of gasoline (it is much more expensive in Europe), and the road will have a long way. Roads everywhere paid: in Romania and Bulgaria, 5-7 euros, and already in Greece there is a payment on a mileage (to Athens and back approximately 30 euros). Add to this mandatory accommodation in Bulgaria or Romania. Well, in the far distance, it is really boring.

Is it possible to relax yourself in Greece? Practical advice. 1953_3

But if you are somewhat traveling, then the cost of the road per person changes dramatically. In the case of air, tickets must be purchased personally for everyone. And for the car, the amount of gasoline spent and the cost of roads does not increase from the number of passengers. Optimally to go with two pairs, then the passage is divided into two families. And now, and count how much you spend on gasoline, based on the fuel consumption of your car, then divide on all travelers and get the literally funny amount needed to the road for one person. Yes, and on the road is not boring at all. In short, I personally - for vacation on my personal car.

The inconvenience may be lack of in some places on the roads of pointers in English (it is unrealistic to understand Greek inscriptions). Local, too, ask the road is useless, due to the same problem: the Greeks on the periphery are weakly owned by English. In short, I recommend taking a GPS navigator. Although we coped with both navigator, but it already depends on the ability of a person to use the card and the ability to navigate the terrain.

We when drove to Greece, did not book anything in advance, everyone could easily find in place. In the cities of hotels a lot, the choice is diverse. The disadvantage is not possession of the price policy of hotels, as well as the situation and living conditions in them. Then you just have to ride along different hotels, compare everything, but it requires a lot of time. But I, based on personal experience, I do not recommend anyone.

And book a hotel / Villa / Apartments can be easily on different Internet sites. Personally, I tricking several different sites, unambiguously made a choice in favor of the website A very convenient and understandable interface, a large number of suggestions, can be expanded a search circle or mark your requirements for living conditions. I think everyone can easily figure it out.

Prices for accommodation in hotels on sites is twice as cheaper than the tour. operators (and you can still find super-offers with big discounts). This is another argument in favor of an independent recreation organization in Greece.

I will not say anything about the cost and schedule of buses, trains and planes, as the travel itself and has never been interested in these issues.

But! You yourself will have to engage in a visa to Greece. In principle, not the most difficult country to open Schengen, the list of documents is standard (in Italy and Austria will be more difficult). There is practically no failures in a visa.

In general, independent and self-confident people, I definitely recommend an independent holiday in Greece. Have a nice holiday and pleasant pastime.

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