Rest in Syracuse: The cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.


Syracuse is a city on the Italian island of Sicily, the center of the province of the same name. In Syracuse, tourists come, first to enjoy the beach holiday - sandy beaches and the clean sea as it is impossible to have better to do so, and secondly, to get acquainted with the sights of this ancient city.

Rest in Syracuse: The cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 19510_1

Tourists, of course, concerns the question - how to get to Syracuse? What are the flight options?

I will try to answer these questions in my article.

First of all, tourists should know that There is no airport in Syracuses So in any case you will need a transplant from one type of transport to another.

Nevertheless, Sicily has several airports, two of which are international - Palermo Airport and Catania Airport.

Perhaps I will start with Palermo Airport.

Palermo Airport

35 kilometers west of the capital of the island, Palermo city is the airport. It serves both domestic and international flights. At the airport, some of the world famous loupes are based - among them Ryanair, Vueling, Air One and others.

Pleasant news for travelers! In the season (that is, approximately from the beginning of May, by the end of September), direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg are sent to Palermo. From other Russian cities or in another season it is possible to get only with a transplant.

Rest in Syracuse: The cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 19510_2

Moscow - Palermo

The flight serves Alitalia airlines, Airbus aircraft are used on this route, the flight flies once a week (at the moment it crashes from Moscow on Saturdays).

The time on the way is 4 hours 20 minutes, and the price per ticket - 23 thousand one way and about 40 thousand there, back, but it is worth considering that first, August is the hottest season, and secondly, tickets worth buying in advance.

In addition, from Moscow to Palermo and with transplants - tickets in this case will be significantly cheaper - for example, Swissair offers a transfer flight with a change for 29 thousand rubles (back and forth). In general, for specific dates you will probably find options with a transfer in Europe - as a rule, they will cost you cheaper than direct flight.

St. Petersburg - Palermo

From St. Petersburg to Palermo at the moment, only tickets with transfers were left to Palermo (I mean by August 2015), among them the more or less affordable varintages - the same Alitalia offers a flight with a transfer to Milan for 37 thousand (tickets to both ends), There are options with a change in other European cities.

Palermo Airport - Syracuse

So, you were at Palermo Airport. Now you have a new task - you need to get to Syracuse. You can do this in several ways.

First, it can be done On a rented car Fortunately at Palermo Airport Such a service is provided. There are several car robbing companies that are known for other European countries. The distance from Palermo to Syracuse is 260 kilometers to get there, you will have to cross the whole island. By car, such a distance can be covered in three - three and a half hours (you can add to this time and stop).

Secondly, you can drive from Palermo to Syracuse by train , however, unfortunately direct railway communication between them - You will have to make a transplant. A train ticket can be bought online on the site of Italian railways or right at the station. The following options are offered - to get to Messina's station, to make a transplant there and Messina to get to Siracuz. This option takes 6 hours.

Another option is to get to the train station of Catania, then transfer to Syracuse - this option, by the way, will be faster - it will take about 4 hours.

Rest in Syracuse: The cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 19510_3

Prices for tickets are surprisingly small -Ze, the entire trip to the second class will have to give only 15 euros (for certain days of prices, of course, may rise).

And finally, the third option is to move from Palermo to Syracuse long-distance bus. - The trip will be three with a small hour (which is quite comparable to moving by car), and the cost of the ticket is about 12 euros per person.

Catania Airport

As I wrote, in Sicily, there is another international airport - this is Catania Airport. It is much closer to Syracuse (66 kilometers from the city against 260 kilometers from Palermo Airport).

Catania Airport is five kilometers south of the city of the same name.

Rest in Syracuse: The cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 19510_4

Moscow - Catania

Charter flights fly from Moscow to skating, tickets for which anyone can purchase. For example, a direct flight on August 8 performs Alitalia, travel time is four and a half hours, the price per ticket one way is 15 thousand rubles.

Other options suggest transplants, for example, in other cities of Europe and even Turkey. In general, there are different options, the choice of them depends exclusively from you.

St. Petersburg - Catania

From St. Petersburg there are no direct flights to Catania, but you can fly with a transfer, for example, in Rome. The minimum price of one end is 16 thousand rubles.

Catania - Syracuse

If you arrived at Catania Airport, then you need to get to Syracuse.

This can be done using the same types of transport as from Palermo, only time on the way will be expended significantly less.

So, in order.

First option - by car . At the airport, you can rent a car and get to Syracuse about an hour.

Second option - by bus . A long-distance bus walks between Catania and Syracuses - there is a bus stop near the airport, a kiosk on it, where you are selling tickets for buses (search Interbus signboard). Riding an hour with a little, the cost of one ticket on an adult is about 6 euros. Bus arrives at the bus station in Syracuse - it is located next to the city railway station.

Third option - by train From Syracuse Train Station to Railway Station, the train comes with a little time, and the price of a ticket starts from 6, 35 euros.

Well, finally, the last option for those for whom the economy is unimportant - you can easily get to Siracuz by taxi , good distance is not very big, although, of course, such a trip will cost you significantly more expensive.

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