What is interesting to see Amsterdam?


Amsterdam - the capital of Holland and a very interesting city for tourists.

In my article, we will talk about where you can go to Amsterdam, but there will be a slight difference from such articles. Since a lot of sights are written about the sights of Amsterdam, in our article I will tell you that I saw in this city - a brief description of this place, my impressions and advice. First of all, I note that I had a rather traditional choice of museums in Amsterdam - before the trip, I studied sites talking about the sights of the city and outlined for myself some museums that seemed to me the most interesting. So, let's begin.

State Museum (Reyxmuseum)

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What is it?

This is one of the most significant museums of Amsterdam, which was founded in the 19th century. It is large enough, among its exhibits - paintings, sculptures, archaeological artifacts, drawings, engraving, photos and more.

The special pride of the museum is a collection of pictures of famous Dutch masters, among them - Rembrandt, Vermeer, de Heh, Van der Gelst and many others.

Information for visitors

Address: Museumstraat 1.

Opening hours: The museum is open to visitors from 9 am to 17:00

Price: 17, 50 euros for adults, for children under 18 years old free, for those who purchased a card I Amsterdam - Discounts

My impressions:

In general, I liked the museum, because there are many objects of art. There were a lot of people, but there were no tool. Signatures under the exhibits in English, if you know it - there will be no problems. The big plus of the museum (I do not remember whether it saw it in others) - the most significant paintings (for example, at the night watch) have large sheets that everyone can take - they are depicted on them, and the key points are enlarged and explanations are signed - Simply put, who is this, why he is drawn exactly that in this unique and so on. Thus, you can get up right in front of the picture, take a sheet with explanations, watch and compare. I really liked this idea, so much more interesting (because not all of us are experts in painting) and remembered more.

From the collection of the museum, I remember the paintings of Dutch masters, a collection of jewelry, Delft china and a variety of locks with keys.

I bought a ticket with a discount, which was rather profitable for I am Amsterdam. In the state museum, I spent about three hours, although it would be possible more, I just was limited in time.

Museum of Marigue

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What is it?

A museum who tells the visitor to the history of wallation in Amsterdam. As you understand, the navigation is closely related to the history of the country and its economy.

Among the exhibits of the museum are the pictures depicting sea battles, models of ships, and next to the museum there is a ship (such ships were used by the Dutch fleet) - you can go inside and inspect it.

Information for visitors

Address: Kattenburgerplein 1.

Opening hours: The museum is open to a visit from 9 to 17 all days, except April 27, December 25 and January 1


· Children up to four years - free

· Children from 5 to 17 years old - 7, 50 euros

· Adults (from 18) - 15 euros

· Students - 7, 50 euros

· I am Amsterdam Card Owners - Free

My impressions:

The museum as a whole made a good impression on me, especially liked some interactive moments that are designed to entertain visitors. Immediately I note that all this is in English, or in Dutch - there is no Russian.

The first point, the moment - on the screens of the exhibition, as it is accompanied by a group of people - they show those whose life was inextricably linked to the sea - I remembered among them the captain of the ship, his wife, sailor and a maid-to-man, exported from West Indies. On each exposition, they tell how their life changed, in the end they will tell than everything ended (by the way, I note that there were tragic moments there).

And the second point is on the part of the exhibition that represents the port, visitors can how to do the path of the container - loading, transportation, unloading - all with the help of huge screens.

Especially such things like children. Well, of course, the exposition itself also liked - among the most curious things I will note the shapes taken from the nose of ships, paintings and cards.

Museum of wax figures Madame Tussao

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What is it?

It seems to me that explanations here are unnecessary - the museum presents wax figures of famous personalities - from politicians to actors and musicians.

Information for visitors

Address : Dam Square, 20

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 17:30


  • Adults - 22 Euro
  • Children - 17 euros
  • Children up to 4 years old - free

My impressions:

I didn't like the exhibition very much, mainly because I am not very interested in actors, singers and other media personnel, so I know little of them. The museum will like those who understand this sphere, and even fans will be picked up - the figures are standing / sit in different poses, so you can make a lot of funny photos.

Museum of diamonds

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What is it?

The museum, which tells about the extraction, classification of diamonds, and also demonstrates products from them.

Information for visitors

Address: Paulus Potterstraat, 8 (next to the state museum)

Opening hours: from 9 to 17

Price on Ticket:

  • Adults - 8, 5 euros
  • Children - 6 euros
  • Pensioners and children under 12 years old - free

My impressions:

The museum is quite curious, although the small one - one and a half hours you will be enough for my eyes. Explanations, as in the previous museums, exclusively in Dutch and English. You can take pictures, although in the photo the stones are not very good. I was interested in the classification of diamonds, a story about artificial diamonds, and, of course, the exhibits themselves - among them jewelry, inlaid paintings and a couple of subjects of contemporary art (extremely unusual) - a skull of monkeys, covered with diamonds and so on. According to my observations, most of the Museum of Girls - they really like to look at the decorations. Everyone who is interested in diamonds or would like to know more about them, I would recommend to visit this museum, especially since it is in the very center of the city, within walking distance from the State Museum.

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