Why should I go to Salta?


As opposed to the same and often very boring workers' vacation I want to spend brightly, noisy and fun. At the same time, residents are not at all resort locations also dream of excellent weather, a favorable natural environment and, if possible, to restore spent health. How to combine all this? Of course, the journey. One of the most sunny, fun and energetic countries in the world, undoubtedly, Argentina. How many temperamental and color epithets immediately comes to mind! And, by the way, it has such corners where the Argentineians themselves will be enjoyed. For example, an ancient city with a gentle name - Salta.

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It is simply amazing that this is not a grand metropolis (just over 500 thousand people. Population and six tens of sq. Km Square) made up so much curious, intriguing, truly beautiful and ancient. Even an elementary walking walk along the streets and squares will deliver any tourist a sea of ​​positive emotions and will not be enough for a camera for a camera. Grand and At the same time, the elegant building of the cathedral in gentle pink colors and next to it - Cabildo (city council), one of the modern wonders of the world - "train in the clouds", leaving truly dizzying memories of the trip, and Los Cardonez - National Park Cactus Giants, Mystical and At the same time, the charming valley of the Moon and the dream of many Europeans is the most real canyon Umaumak. And this is not a complete list of what is worthy of the close attention of the guest of Salta. Definitely: Before you go here, you should prepare in advance - find out where you can go, go and what to see . Separate article - National Argentine color, manifested not only in amazing kitchen, preserved architecture, clothing, but also in everyday life: Argentine Cowboys - Gaucho performances, indispensable attribute of the restaurant - Tango, Crafts Market - Central Market, filled with usual Salta, but completely Exotic commodity for guests of the city: Poncho, sweaters from wool is very cute and licked only in this highland animal - Alpaca, delightful fabrics, table silver, leather and metal products, etc.

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In Salta, we go well in proud loneliness, concentrating on all its miracles, and to come well the whole family - the children along with their parents will receive a lot of bright, live impressions on all the remaining years. Music, good nature and sense of humor of local residents make rest here truly comfortable. Salta Hotel Foundation is quite PRED and diverse - from a hostel to a fashionable hotel. But a couple of days in this amazing place is not separated. With all the listed charms of the Salta She, despite the fact that it is far enough from the ocean shores, also earned the fame of a popular resort . This is due to climatic conditions and a carefully protected environment with its rich vegetation and animal world. The climate in these edges subtropical, but the influence of Andiy Kordiller is very noticeable: in the summer, the daytime temperature fluctuates about +38, but the night sharply falls to +15. Even in the fall, the thermometer column is held at a mark in +27, however, and at night, the cold is stronger - up to +10. Therefore, in Salta, they love scarves and sweaters from gentle and at the same time very warm alpaca yarn. Winter rainy, and in the spring season, the usual phenomenon - dust storms. From here you can conclude - at what time of year it is better to plan a tour in Salta.

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In recent years, the so-called gastronomic tours in recent years are enjoyed, and Salta is one of the places where it is worth coming for this reason. If you expect something very extravagant, then, of course, you can, search, find and that. But mostly, the Argentine menu and in particular tables and cafes of Salta are full of unexpectedly familiar dishes: fried or baked potatoes, meat with blood - Yugoso, Chinhulina - fried sausage, Empadanas - pies with meat and greens and even kebabs - Churraco. Only all this is preparing in their own way, of course, in Argentinean. In the salty, they also believe that they have the most delicious ice cream. From drinks it is impossible not to mention the legendary Mate - it is here that you can taste it as it should be. And, of course, wonderful Argentine wines are worthy of only admiration. If you wish, you can go on an excursion, for example, in Kalchaise.

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