Where is best to stay in Ningbo?


The very name of this Chinese port city is setting up for a complacent way - translated Ningbo means "calm waves." However, the traveler should not forget that this is still a settlement, there are more than 5.5 million residents, divided by six enough spacious districts and five counties. And it was Ningbo who turned out to be a pioneer in communicating with the West, and therefore he had his own special "face" - a very international, sociable and pronounced business expression.

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It is clear that finding a temporary religion to the tourist here is easier than a simple - the hotel foundation is diverse. Other is difficult - to accurately navigate in the area of ​​almost 10,000 square meters and choose from a rich offer of hotels, hostels, removable apartments what you need . Therefore, it makes sense to decide in advance - what will be the purpose of the trip, in which area of ​​the city is better to settle and rent a room, room or apartments in advance. If this is a cognitive tour, then the location of Buddhist temples with monasteries (more than 560), Christian and Catholic spiritual structures, which are about 300, as well as mosques, museums, art galleries and other attractions. If the trip is exclusively "vacation", then on the coastline Ningbo with a length of more than 1,500 km placed, of course, not only an extensive seaport, but also well-equipped beaches, some of which belongs to private hotels. Carefully guarded nature, small sand beaches, mandatory daily cleaning, care for the younger generation in the form of arrangement of playgrounds, various adults of water entertainment, thoughtful infrastructure - these are the pros, because of which almost all resorts located on the Chinese seashores, The high season is simply overloaded. Ningbo does not extend along the sea beaches, but it stands between the Bay of Hangzhouvan and the East-Chinese Sea on the confluence of rivers, so A number of hotels have a beautiful view of the water surface. . In order for how best to carry out a sun-entertaining bathing, it is better to settle in such hotels. For example, Hotel Intercontinental Ningbo (4 stars) that on the Yunsin River - an ultra-modern building is truly a luxurious lifestyle in the hotel conditions. Here, with half a thousand, perfectly equipped, spacious rooms, some of them have a panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes. There is your own indoor pool, fitness and spa centers, you can order adjacent rooms. For those who decided to go to Ningbo with the whole family, the most convenient apartments or five-star hotels. For example, Marriott Ningbo offers non-smoking rooms, rooms - with terraces, in the room at the request of the guests you can install a crib, it is fully comfortable. The hotel has its own restaurant, cafe, snack bar, mini market, laundry. In addition to holding time on tennis courts, riding riding in the indoor pool or gym. There is Marriott Ningbo in the city center.

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For young people and students, or those who chose an overview trip for China will be a convenient settlement in hostels. It is worth noting that some of them have not only rooms with bunk beds for several persons, but also separate rooms with their own bathroom. So, Ningbo Xikou International Youth provides free Wi-Fi within the overall zones, a terrace and a garden on the territory of a hostel for recreation, bicycle rental, all rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with electric ketties. Hostel staff will tell me where it is better to go fishing or what walking route is more interesting to go. Thus, Ningbo fully find housing for any tourist, family, newlyweds, a whole company or businessman. In each part of the city and in the suburbs, including modern high-rise buildings, mini-hotels in the national style - both by architectural external execution and in the inner decoration, as well as the composition of the menu in its own restaurant. By the way, about nutrition: Of course, as in all China, its national cuisine is practiced in Ningbo, which most Europeans love. But even besides this, the standard table, familiar to most travelers, is often "Swedish".

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