How to get to Chernivtsi?


Chernivtsi - Regional Center in the Chernivtsi region and the largest city in the region in the region (about 260 thousand people). The city is the main transport hub of Bukovina due to its successful geographical location, as it is almost in the center of the region.

Air travel to Chernivtsi

The city has an international airport "Chernivtsi". However, despite the availability of the airport, fly to it or fly is practically impossible. At the moment, only cargo flights and several summer charters are carried out. So fly directly from other cities of Ukraine or neighboring countries will not be possible.

The airport address: Chernivtsi, ul. Chkalova, 30.

Telephone for references: (03722) 4-15-30.

Photo of the airport:

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The nearest international airport is located in Lviv, to it 280 kilometers north of Chernivtsi. Lviv airport is taking flights from the main cities in Ukraine: Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Flights from Middle Ebony: Russia, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Turkey. Full flight schedules can be found at the site of Lviv Airport (

Just 80 km south of Chernivtsov, in Romania, there is a Suchawa International Airport, but at the moment there is a reconstruction, and aircraft are not accepted. At the end of the reconstruction, this option will be convenient for EU residents who will gather to visit Chernivtsi. Sucava Airport site:

Trains in Chernivtsi

One of the most optimal ways to get to Chernivtsi is a train. Transit trains that follow in Romania or Bulgaria through Ukraine will necessarily pass through Chernivtsi. Also in Chernivtsi can be reached by trains that follow from Lviv and Kiev. The most convenient way to get to Chernivtsi is from Lviv. Trains walk late at night (about an hour), so that arrive in the city in the morning, or after lunch (about 17-00) so as to get into the city late in the evening. The cost of the ticket ranges from 90 to 150 hryvnia (from 4 to 6 dollars), depending on the class of the wagon. This train is followed from Lviv to Chernivtsi about five and a half hours. From Kiev trains go at least 12 hours, the cost of a ticket from 250 hryvnia (about 10 dollars). The schedule and ticket prices can be found on the website of the Ukrainian Railways ( Tickets can be booked directly through the site and pay for a bank card or directly at the checkout. Paid e-ticket can be printed in itself and in most cases such a ticket will no longer require an exchange before landing.

Station address: Chernivtsi, ul. Gagarina, 38.

Reference: (0372) 59-21-90, (0372) 59-24-32, Cassa: (0372) 59-26 89.

Picture Station:

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Buses to Chernivtsi

There is a regular bus service with almost all cities of Western Ukraine. The largest number of flights goes from Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Khmelnitsky. You can get to Chernivtsi from these cities for 3-6 hours, and it will cost such a ticket from 75 hryvnia (about 3 dollars). Buses run on average every 2 hours. You can familiarize yourself with the detailed schedule and the cost of tickets at

The address of the bus station: Chernivtsi, ul. Home, 219.

Phone for references: (03722) 4-16-35, 4-16-30.

Photo bus station:

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Movement in Chernovtsy

When moving around the city it is better to use buses or trolley buses. There is a possibility of travel by taxi, but it is not profitable, since the distance within the city is not very large. The public transport network is quite well developed and covers almost the entire city. The fare on the bus in the city is 3 hryvnias, and in trolleybus - one and a half of the hryvnia.

In Chernivtsi with their car

It is possible to get to Chernivtsi in several ways. Depending on the direction of movement: on the highway H10, through Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyyu (convenient when achieving from Lviv, Lutsk, Uzhgorod), on the highway H03 through the Khmelnitsky and Camian-Podolsky (convenient when achieving from Vinnitsa, Kiev), or on the highway H18 (European route E85) through Ternopil and Chortkov (convenient to achieve from Rivne or Republic of Belarus). The city has a good location in relation to the following borders: 30 km south from Chernivtsi is the main border with Romania (PPC "Rubezhen-Syret"), approximately 50 km to the east - the border with Moldova (Mamalig PPC).

One of the entrances to the city:

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There are no river transport in Chernivtsi.

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