Why is it worth going to AOSTU?


At the very top of the Italian "boot" there is a small piece of territory, which literally accumulated all the most for a traveler, caring for winter sports, delicious national food, local culture and crafts, as well as to the treasury of world memory - the majestic residues of the Roman Empire: Aosta .

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The center of the regional autonomy Valle d'Aosta - the city of Aosta - is located at the intersection of roads leading to the Small and Bolshaya St. Bernard. For some, this is a mountain pass with its ancient history, today connecting the Italian town with Swiss - Martiny, for others - an explicit association with a beautiful model of dog representatives - the same breed. Unique one: Aosta is in one of the most beautiful places on our planet. When they begin to explain how to find this province, then more than once use the word "most" : the most miniature in his own country; Summary between the highest European vertices (it is worth recalling: it is in this Alpine valley that winter sports competitions are traditionally held); And it is here that the most gorgeous resorts function, for example, Kurmayor. Does your blood boil from one mention of the skiing or snowboard? Then pay attention to the truly gorgeous historical and archaeological tour: Ancient Romans, and then medieval Italian to know left behind very well-preserved locks, walls, fortifications, bridges and other facilities. What is called - to wander not to overdo it ... That is, you can travel all this with a tourgouple, looking for folding speeches of an experienced guide, and you can take independent hiking, enjoying individual communication with antiquity under the inappropriate noise of mountain winds and surrounded by charming alpine landscapes. Only the listing of deserving guest AOSTA seats will probably take three or four lines Among them is the Triumphal Arch of August and the Ancient Roman Theater, and among the heritage of the Middle Ages, it is necessary to not only admire the Cathedral of Santa Maria-Assunta, but also to get acquainted with the contents of his excellent museum.

If you are not an avid athlete and not a supporter of cognitive tourism, then you still have a very interesting occupation in AOST. For example, delicious to eat. Only here, in these alpine places, are hidden for a long time, miniature private cheesery engaged in the production of a grade "fontina" (Of course, on secret recipes, preserved from time immemorial), and some of these is already "rocking" more than 700 years. By the way, from the category "the most" here and vineyards are the most highly mountainous on European standards, and Italian wine is unlikely to advertise: noble, gracefully, tasty. And, of course, not a single tourist bypassed a panel with local ice cream - Italians are very preferable to this kind of dessert. And also about cooking meat and not to say: visiting restaurants, it is worth trying to taste everything you create home-grown chefs, say, carbonad in red wine.

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To come to AOSTU and do not try to get a portion of excellent spa services of natural properties - just stupid. We can say, almost within walking distance from the Aosta - the legendary terms of St. Didier, Kurmayor will delight with mineral springs, and in order to diversify the receptions of healthy baths and therapeutic water consumption, you can easily go to Milan - pamper yourself with a rather bright shopping. However, you can spend money and without leaving the limits of the AOST: it looks like Here is one of the most "old" fairs in the world - since from the first millennium of our era, the locals in late January go to the fair walking "Sant'orso" . What we won't see here: manual products from a wide variety of materials - from soap stone to wrought iron, but, mostly, the fair is famous for the amazing creations of wooden masters; gentle lace; Textiles - up to blankets; Baskets of all imaginable and unthinkable forms and sizes and a lot of all sorts of either, created by talented Mountain Masters.

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Aosta is good absolutely in any season, so it is impossible to miss with the time of her visits. And for the family tour, the town is suitable as it is impossible. The valley hotel fund is rather diverse and numerous - among several dozen hotels it is easy to choose the most pleasant for yourself, a loved one. It can be a modern high-rise building, and a cozy miniature builder in the local Alpine spirit. But to book a room is well in advance - those who want to relax in the blessed Aoste a lot.

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