Food in Umag: Prices where to eat?


Croatia's kitchen is rich and diverse, the Mediterranean is based on the mediterranean, and in each region you can find your local dishes. In Umag, there are restaurants specializing in a certain kitchen or offering the maximum selection of all possible dishes. You can go to eat both in the advertised restaurant and in any modest cafe on which Konoba is written. It is even worth compare dishes and an atmosphere in these completely different establishments. It is especially nice to stay on the outdoor terrace overlooking the sea so as not only to eat and relax, but also enjoy the view.

Food at the hotel

Some hotels have restaurants for nutrition lovers. all inclusive " In this case, the input pays a certain amount and inside you can gain anything in any quantity. Separately, it is worth check-with whether the drinks are included in the price. For example, in those two hotels where we rested in the alternation, the drinks were not included in the price, and it was necessary to pay extra for them. Exception Breakfast - tea, coffee and fruit drinks are in thermos and automata available to everyone. The cost of breakfast 45 kun (6 euros) for adults and 23 kuns (3 euros) for children. Dinners will cost 90-100 kun (12-13 euros) with an adult and 45 kun with a child. With children take payment from 3-5 years, depending on the hotel's policies.

On the tables there are: several species of the first, 3-4 types of fish and meat dishes, several options for garnish, vegetable slicing, salads, pizza, separate tables with sweet and fruit.

Restaurant on Sol Stella and Istrian Villas:

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Cost of dishes in restaurants Umag

First meal Start from 15 kun (2 euros). Among them, you can find: Chicken broth with spaghetti, beef broth with dumplings, vegetable soups, tomato soup with rice, crude-onion soup, saturated chorba or local mancutrum - thick soup with corn, beans, cabbage, small pasta and smoked meat. In the summer, cold soup made of cucumbers and cream, well-seasoned garlic and pepper.

Most in the menu Fish dishes And both in the complex with a side dish and individual fish plates on which will be from 300g to 2kg of the seafood! What we will not see on these plates: a variety of types of fish, squid, shrimp, octopus, cuttlefish, crayfish and other marine animals. The cost of a kilogram fish plate in June 2015 in various cafes on the coast of Umag and the hotel was 200-270 kun (27-36 euros). If you take a portion of spaghetti or risotto with seafood, it will cost 60-90 kun (8-12 euros) depending on the type and quantity of seafood. Particularly original looks like "black" risotto with seafood, tinted ink Caracatar.

Fish menu part in Barka Restaurant

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Enough in the menu and Meat dishes , Frequently popular with guests from Germany and Austria. Steaks and steaks begin from 80 kun (11 euros), chicken or turkey dishes from 60 kun (8 euros). Meat dish complexes with a side dish are from 100 kun (13 euros). One of the cheapest dishes was spaghetti bolognese - 40 kun (5 euros). Among the local dishes are to try cutting out of the punch (dried meat), especially in the complex with cheese cutting.

Gourmet wishing to try Dishes with truffles We will have to leave at least 100 kun. For example, Spaghetti with truffles was worth 95 kun (13 euros), Bifstex Tartar with truffles costs 130 kun.

Selection of salads It is usually small because Croats prefer vegetable cuts. The cost of lettuce or cutting begins from 25-30 kun (3.5-4 euros) depending on the restaurant. In pizzerias and roadside cafes seen salads and for 20 kun (2.5 euros).

Shrimp salad:

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On garnir There are rice, spaghetti, mlyns (baked with formation and sliced ​​pasta pasta with sauce), different types of potatoes, cornpap. Very popular baked or boiled vegetables, stew.

Lovers of burgers and pizza You can go like in a conventional pizzeria, and to a restaurant where conventional seafood sandwiches sometimes combine. For the pizza of ordinary size, it will be necessary to pay from 40 kun (5 euros) in a restaurant or from 30 kun in pizzeria, which is more profitable to buy it in pieces in the city, where every piece from the big pizza is sold for 10-12 kun. Pizza in Istria is very tasty and is prepared in the best traditions of Italian cuisine, no vocation of the peninsula belonged to Italy for a long time.

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Sweet tech It will delight a rather large selection of both familiar desserts and national sweets, which are preparing mainly from puff pastry, honey and nuts. Most desserts stand in the range of 15-30 kun (2-4 euros). In the same amount, fruit ice cream costs.

Prices for tea and coffee Start from 8 kun (1 euro), Machiato 10 kun (1.5 euros), cold coffee and fruit frapps are 20-25 kun (3-3.5 euros). Mineralka is more profitable to take for the whole family or company - a liter bottle will cost about 20 kun (less than 3 euros), while 10-15 kun (1.5-2 euros) can take 10-15 kun. Freshi stand from 20 kun per glass, ordinary batch juices from 12 kun. The glass of beer will cost 15-20 kun.

Alcoholic beverages and cocktails There are practically in all restaurants and in specialized cocktail bars. Tequila, Mojito, Pina Kolada and other cocktails stand in the range of 50-70 kun (6.5-9 euros) for a portion.

Prices for products in supermarkets

If you want to save significantly, you should choose accommodation with a kitchen. It can be both private apartments and a room in the hotel with a developed infrastructure. In Umga, many shops and supermarkets, the most profitable supermarkets Plodine and Kaufland. They can find the freshest vegetables, fruits, fresh or frozen fish and meat. Meat stands from 25 kun (3.5 euros) per kilogram, chicken and turkey one and a half times more expensive, cheese from 50 kun (6.5 euros) per kilogram, milk from 5 kun per liter. Essentially more than the prices of bakery products wealthy. Behind the bread will have to leave 6-8 kun, for baguettes 4-5 kun. In Konzum stores, the price level is higher and the choice is less. The same bread is worth 7-10 kun. Prices for vegetables and fruits in large supermarkets in June 2015 practically corresponded to prices in Ukraine. Tomatoes and cucumbers were worth 8 kun (1 euro) for kilo, young potatoes from 3.5 kun. In cone, at the hotel, the vegetables were at least one and a half times more expensive. Pack of rice and pasta costs from 7-8 and 5 kun, respectively. Two-liter juice cost from 7 kun, 1,5 liter water accounted for 2-3 kuns, a beer was 0.5 liters from 5 kun, in a bottle of 2 liters about 15 kun. Bottle of local wine 0.7 liters from 15 kun (2 euros).

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We traveled to the supermarket every few days. As a result, the average consumption on the products amounted to about 15 euros per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This is for two adults and a child of 3.5 years, which eats a lot at the level with adults. For comparison, there are so much on average one dinner in the restaurant on an adult!

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