What is interesting to see Mukachevo?


Mukachevo - a magical vintage city, spread out at the junction of volcanic revolts of the Carpathian and Transcarpathian lowland. Thanks to its geographical location, the city does not have both a strong heat in the summer and Epiphany frost in winter.

View of the city from the castle of the Palanok:

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About 86 thousand people live in the city, which makes it the largest district center in the territory of Transcarpathia after Uzhgorod. There is Mukachevo in almost the center of the Transcarpathian region, at the intersection of the main transport streams. Thanks to this location, the city often becomes the starting point of travelers who visit Transcarpathia, and to admire it here than.

It is worth noting that Mukachevo is the city of many cultures. For his centuries-old history, Transcarpathia managed to visit, and as part of Austria-Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, and even felt the influence of Turkish culture. After World War II, the region was joined to the Ukrainian SSR. Such a flavor could not not be displayed on the life of the region as a whole, and on its architectural appearance in particular.

Town Hall in Mukachevo:

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Feel such a flavor is the easiest way in the city center, walking along the paved paving the pedestrian streets of Pushkin and the world. Here, in the architecture of houses, you can meet the influence of many cultures. It is also interesting to collapse from the main streets and look into the neighboring courtyards, where you boil your saturated life. Some of the yards are so long that they are not visible to the end.

One of the main attractions of the city can be called the city tank of the beginning of the twentieth century, painted in very unusual color. Through the road from the town hall, it is worth paying attention to one of the few monuments to Cyril and Methodius, as well as a monument to a pipeline.

White House in Mukachevo:

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Very close to ul. The world, 16, is the Palace of Prince Raccots - more known as the "White House" - the construction of the 18-19th century. The castle for a long time was the family residence of the family, which left, probably, the greatest historical legacy in the life of Transcarpathia. There is also a museum of the artist M. Minkachi (in honor of which the city was named), and the museum of the applied art of Transcarpathia, in which you can get acquainted with traditional items, costumes and embroidery.

Fans of temples will be interested to visit the Holy Nikolaev Mukachevsky Monastery, founded in the 9th century. I recommend to inspect the ancient chapel of St. Martin and the same named cathedral. Nearby is the reform church and the Assumption Greek Catholic Church. Not far from Mukachevo are the Domkecast Orthodox Women's Monastery and Rakoshinsky Orthodox Male Monastery.

It is in this small town for some time on the street. Tolstoy, 29 lived cummy generations - Vladimir Vysotsky. There is a memorable plate on the house. It is worth recalling that such famous people like Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and Lolita Milyavskaya are also natives Mukachevo.

It is very interesting to walk around the city at the end of April - early May, when Magnolia and Sakura begins to bloom. Unforgettable impressions!

Castle Palanok:

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After the city center, it is worth going to his outskirts, namely to the street of tankers. It begins to rise to another very unusual place - the medieval castle of the "Palanok", laid if you believe stories in the 9th century. The flowering of the castle falls on the XV century and Transylvanian prince Raccots in the XVII-XVIII centuries, during the Habsburgs he was one of the strongest castles on the eastern lands of the Austrian Empire. Castle site - http://palanok.org.ua/

The castle is located at an altitude of 68 meters above sea level. For its history there was a prison, and a technical school, and even the military unit. From the castle, a beautiful view of the whole city opens. The entrance to the castle costs about 25 hryvnia per person. Optionally, you can order a group excursion on the spot. Exposures in the castle are often updated, because there are often cases when you cannot get into some parts of the castle. Despite the fact that in the castle you can see the vintage icons and pictures of different times, often among the expositions you can find products that are produced by modern enterprises of Mukachevo.

Braws Glyash in Bread:

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Gourmet will be interesting to taste, in highly democratic prices, by the way, local dishes of Transcarpathian cuisine. Especially advise Paprikash, Bograch Gulash (Bob-Gulyash) and ledge.

Since Transcarpathia is a wine edge - I recommend visiting one of the wine bars for tasting and choosing wine for every taste.

When planning your trip in advance, you can, after reading the calendar of events, visit one of the festivals that are held in Mukachevo every year. From the annual events, the festival of wine can be called (usually held in January) or the Bograch festival (spring).

What is interesting to see Mukachevo? 19329_6

Mukachevo is very unusual and not enough with the comparable place on the tourist map of Ukraine, and it certainly will not leave anyone indifferent!

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