Food in Ravenna: Prices where to eat?


During the visit to Ravenna, tourists can have the opportunity to try the dishes of Romagant cuisine performed by local chefs. To be honest, many of them uniquely prepare homemade egg pasta with filling and all sorts of sauces. Honorable place among the pastes takes TARDURA (Tardura) . The Garden Restaurant (Gardela) waiters to new visitors first offer this national dish. In reality, TARDUR is a paste with a boiled egg and parsley in an aromatic meat broth. It is a displacement with its kind and taste very much resembling the soup familiar to many of us.

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In the menu of this cheap institution you can find several more types of pizza, risotto and about five variations of pasta. The restaurant "Gardel" is located at the address: Via Ponte Marino, 3. To eat or tight dinner here, it will work on any day except Thursday from 12:00 to 22:00. On average, lunch will cost 25 euros.

Perhaps, we should say a few words about the variants of the early breakfast in Ravenna. Locals in this appearance of meals do not pay much attention. For them, the morning snack is a cup of coffee, croissant or any other sweet pastries. Even guests of hotels with paid breakfasts will at best begot to an English version consisting of fried eggs with bacon or from omelet with sausages. Basically, tourists will have to be content with juice, coffee and a bunny or pancakes, muesls. Approximately the situation and breakfast in the cafeterias are equal. Despite the fact that many of them are opening at 7 o'clock in the morning, it is assumed that visitors will not be delayed for an early snack. In some institutions, the waiters are immediately interested in tourists, a cup of any coffee to file and list the available fresh baking options. If travelers refuse coffee, in return is offered juice and Cornetto with a variety of fillings - jam, chocolate, cream and latch. Those who do not like sweet for breakfast will be served with hot croissant with cheese and ham or pizza.

  • As a result, breakfast tourists will cost 3-5 euros, of which 1.50 euros will cost coffee.

As for the morning nutrition of small travelers, the menu is not particularly different for them from an adult. Children in a cafe will be offered for breakfast a cup of milk with cookies, juice with fresh pastries, sandwiches with cheese and sausage or a portion of the muesley with fruit. At the very least, somehow the Italians represent a children's breakfast.

  • These dishes from the children's menu will cost a maximum of 8 euros.

In search of budgetary food, tourists should look at the urban indoor market or one of the sandwich bars equal. On the market running from Monday to Saturday: from 9 am to 5 pm, without problems you can find public catering points working on the principle of self-service.

  • Easy snack in one of such cafes will cost 8-10 euros.

Around the same money, tourists will be able to invest if they are sent to dine in the La Piada Di Ale sandwich bar. It is located almost away from the historic center of the city on Via Della Lirich (Viale Della Lirica), 11. In fact, this atypical bar is a small kiosk, in which the best Piada pellets are presented in the assurance of local residents. Tourists to their taste can order warm fresh pellets with mushrooms, salmon, tuna, eggplants, meat, cheese and greens. On average, one portion of the pudins will devastate the travelers' wallet for 4 euros. It also sells cold beer at a price of 2.70 euros. Children can buy sweet dessert and juice. True, the reception of warm and satisfying food is likely to be standing. Near the kiosk there are several plastic tables with chairs, but often all of them are busy voted visitors.

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  • Works kiosk from Sunday to Friday. On weekdays, the service in the sandwich bar is carried out from 11:30 to 20:30, and on Sunday there is a snack of water from 16:00 to 21:00.

Another sandwich bar specializing in Bruschetta of different types is located on the street Fosso-Delle-Och (Via Fosso Delle OCHE), 57. This is an institution, if I understood correctly, called "Crazy 30 years" or "I Matti Anni 30" . The bar is part of the establishment network known in Italy. Bread for Bruckette here is prepared according to a special recipe. Probably, they are so tasty. In the evening, the bar becomes crowded, and the execution of the order will have to wait about 15 minutes. However, after the tourists taste the crispy bruschetta with the selected filling, will understand that the time spent on the expectation was inconsistent. In addition to Bruschetta here you can order sweet pastries, fresh salads and meat, made on the grill.

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  • The account amount for a dense dinner in "I Matti Anni 30" will be about 25-30 euros. Works sandwich bar daily from 16:00 to 1:00.

More refined dishes, including frogs, seafood and marble Pork Mora Romagnola tourists will be able to taste in the restaurant "Hat" (Cappello), working with the same hotel. This popular catering establishment menu is updated every week. Only a list of fish dishes remains unchanged, on which the restaurant specializes. Gourmets will impress the taste of soup with seafood, the main ingredients of which are shrimps, eel, marine eroch or fluster, as well as shark. You can order lobsters roasted in boiling or fish meatballs as a second dish. The ideal addition to these disasses will be the best wine of the Emilia Romagna region, his own selected from the wine card or the proposed sommelier.

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A visit to the restaurant "Hat" can be turned into a kind of entertainment with pleasant benefits in the form of lunch or dinner. To do this, it is enough to order Tasting menu consisting of small portions of three different dishes. It may be pasta with Caracatire or Tortelloni, stuffed with ricotta and greens, fish soup and dessert. For this test set of yoke, tourists will need to lay out only 35 euros and this is despite the fact that the minimum price of local dishes is about 25 euros and easily reaching 40 euros.

  • Find this cheapest restaurant will work out on November 4th (Via IV Novembre), 41. It works every day. Dine in a gorgeous stop with top-level service. Tourists will be able from 12:00 to 15:00, dinner from traveled after exploring the local attractions of travelers from 19:30 to 22:30.

During recreation in Ravenna and children, you can pamper with cold sweets selling in the ice cream store called Sorbetteria Degli Esarchi. This shop is working on November 4th (Via IV NOVEMBRE), 11.

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