Rest in Ravenna: for and against


Ravenna is a small provincial town in Italy, which has many unique features, thanks to which it can be bolded to call the perfect maritime and tourist resort. True, some travelers argue that it is worth going only to admire the amazing mosaics, which remained in the early Christian monuments of architectures that occupy the historical center of the Italian town. And otherwise, this resort is not much different from themselves. I will allow myself to argue with this statement and will try to tell about all the advantages and disadvantages of this pretty place.

Advantages of a small town

Perhaps, perhaps, it is worthy that Ravenna is quite rich in the sights. So lovers of cultural recreation here will definitely be found than to do. In the old district of the city, significant cultural and historical values ​​were lost, some of which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Undoubtedly, the most outstanding of them are the Byzantine and early Christian mosaics, which decorate the ceilings, the walls of churches and cult builds, and are also stored in the museums of the city. The same amount of mosaic can be seen even that only in Istanbul. Even today, the mosaic recognized as one of the best in the country continues to be made in Ravenna.

Those who prefer independent inspection of the city, and organized excursions will be interested in the center of Ravenna, or rather, the Piazza del Popolo Square (Piazza Dell Popolo). It is she who is the starting point of most sightseeing routes and with it it is worth starting walking along the historic center of the city. By the way, in Ravenna, as in many other cultural resorts, the old district is closed for urban transport, and it will be moved to a greater extent on foot. The city has a huge set of attractions that are worth paying attention to them. Among them, the Basilica Di San Vitale (Basilica Di San Vitale) can be distinguished (Basilica Di San Vitale), erected in the VI century and still shy among the pines on the most picturesque city street. In it just get to look at Famous Ravenna Mosaic , Because of which some tourists actually come to the city.

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Not far from the Basilica can be inspecting the Mausoleo Di Galla Placidia. Inside it, there is also a well-preserved mosaic. In Ravenna, there is still atypical Mausoleum Theodorich (Mausoleo Di Teodorico), built of marble and limestone, beautiful basilica of St. Apollinare Nuovo), Chapel of St. Andrew (Cappella di S. Andrea) and Baptistery (Battistero Neoniano) .

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All these architectural monuments are self-sufficient and at the same time similar - in the design of their interior there are a nicely famous mosaic. Thanks to the compact location of all these attractions, which undoubtedly relates to the advantages of equal, they will be easy to walk.

The second reason for which this resort city should be visited - beaches located on the coast of the Purest Adriatic Sea. Their feature is the picturesque forest of Pinet Di equal, growing almost along the entire beach strip. As the sea resort is equal to non-stop developing. And although, the city district of Marina, which has access to the sea, is slightly removed from the center (about 10 kilometers), you can reach it on city buses. And there are a multi-kilometer clean beaches with umbrellas, sun loungers and fish restaurants.

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True, on free beaches in the summer is always crowded and for beach equipment anyway you have to pay. So tourists may be interested in paid beaches, the price of which all services are already included. Yes, and the price for the entrance to them is not very high.

The third reason is related to the well-developed resort infrastructure and hospitality of local residents. Ravenna works a huge number of restaurants, cafes and bars offering a worthy choice of dishes. In these institutions, it will be possible to dinner with a glass of wine for only 20 euros, and a quick snack in pizzeria or a Paninoque will cost both cheaper - at 2-3.50 euros. Plus, the festival passes throughout the summer period in the city, so the tourists do not have to miss. All sorts of exhibitions, concerts, dance, musical and theater events are arranged regularly from the first to last days of summer. Surprise Ravenna and shopping lovers. The city has a huge number of shops, among which are expensive and not very. In the historic center there are benches selling exclusive things at prices significantly less than in Milan, Rome and even Bologna.

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And another advantage of Ravenna is that here you can come to rest with the whole family. Next door to the resort is just 15 kilometers, there is a largest amusement park in the country "Mirabilandia". In this place there will be attractions and fun for tourists from Mala to Velik. Fascinatingly spending time from family travelers will also be in the Safari Zoo, which can be reached on one of the city buses from the Central Railway Station Ravenna.

Completing a list of advantages, it is worth noting that relaxing in Ravenna is quite safe. Of course, pocket thefts and cases of small hooliganism happen here, but no matter how cool, no resort lives without it.

Disadvantages of mosaic equalna

So, the benefits of Ravenna quite a lot, but now it is worth mentioning about the shortcomings. By the cons of this city, it is possible to attribute the high humidity from which frequent fogs happen, winter seems colder, and in the summer there is suffocating heat. Therefore, the best period for visiting the city is May-June and the beginning of autumn.

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