Rest in Greece: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Greece?


Why Greece?

Yes, just because it is - cradle of civilization (or at least one of them). As the old Greek American said in one film: "When your relatives were lazy in the trees, Homer has already written their priceless creations."

In Greece, everything breathes history. Here every city, each village has certain sights at its disposal. Well, at least, excavations or ruins of something historically important ...

Athens, Delphi, Mycenae, Crete, Farmopyl, Meteora, Athos. And this is not a complete list, just the first thing that came to mind. That neither the name, so milestone in world history. Few countries can boast such an abundance of the centers of ancient culture. Greece needs not just to watch, it needs to be studied, she needs to live. She is worth it.

Rest in Greece: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Greece? 1921_1

And back Elda - Motherland Zeus . However, like other Olympic gods. Accordingly, the world famous Mount Olympus also stands in Greece. It is clearly visible from the Athens - Thessaloniki highways. But when we were already returned back, Mount Olympus was completely tightened by the clouds. Therefore, we did not work well. But we knew that somewhere there, in the veil of the clouds could at this very moment gathered at the "meeting" Greek gods. And maybe they do not want someone to see them ...

Rest in Greece: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Greece? 1921_2

As for the beach holiday, it is worth noting that Greece has the world's longest coastal stripe. This is due to the fact that this state has several hundred islands, and almost each of them has its own beach. And the mainland, given the geographical position, also has countless beaches. In most, Greek beaches are sandy or small pebbles. The most important thing is that near the sea is very clean and beautiful. Water is very transparent and just magical. The only thing that should be considered, the presence of a very rather small number of marine hens in water. And, very close to the shore. So be careful, look under your feet.

Rest in Greece: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Greece? 1921_3

Pluses of rest in Greece Many: great nature, high level of hotels, good roads, a large selection of products in stores. Delicious local cuisine, especially from seafood. As they say, there is everything in Greece.

The only thing perhaps The minus is Greek . And rather the absence in many places and on the road signs of information in English. And Greek language, notice, not the best for understanding. This is especially noticeable in small resort cities and delivers some discomfort in small grocery and industrial stores, where everything is written only in Greek. And the attempt to acquire something for the commodity leads to an unimaginable pantomime. But by the way, it is the difficulty in understanding Greek writing adds some highlight to rest.

As for children, everything depends on the purpose of your trip. If you put the sights at the head of the corner, you can hardly appreciate it with age until 10 years old. Wherever you rested, all excursions will be conjugate with long crossings, as Greece is a rather big country. Yes, and there will have to walk in place, since most historical complexes are located on a large area. Children will be difficult to overcome these distances, which can lead to dissatisfaction from sightseeing.

If you just want to spend time on the beach or near the swimming pool at the hotel, then such a holiday will like the children. Children love the beach and the sea, swimming and clean air. Especially lucky if one or more water slides will be in your pool. Children will be delighted.

And in general, I think that you need to go to Greece just necessary!

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