What are the interesting places worth a visit to Fussen?


Not far from Schwangau, famous for the castles of King Ludwig Bavarian, for many centuries there is a small picturesque city of Füssen. Most often, tourists visit it as a transit point on the way to Neuschvastein - one of the most romantic and amazing castles of the world. And only those travelers who are interested in therapeutic dirt and mineral water sources are delayed here longer. In fact, Fuussen itself is steep enough in terms of attractions and worthy of attention from tourists. After all, there are so many interesting places, acquaintance with which the travelers will remember for a long time. So, being in Fussen, tourists, first of all, should be examined by the following sights:

Castle Kurfürs (Hohes Schloss) or High Castle

For the construction of this elegant building, the whole three hundred years took. As a result, at the top of the hill, the Schlossberg in a picturesque environment began to rise with the castle with the inner facade traditionally decorated for this edge. The courtyard walls of the castle are painted in illusionistic technique that imitates the architectural decor - shutters, balconies. I even seemed to me that all this bulk painting is quite real - so truly it transfers the feeling of volume, material and colors.

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At one time, the castle served as a transshipment camping for Roman legionnaires, roadside dining room and, in the end, the residence for the Augsburg Prince-Archbishop. Nowadays, there is a gallery of the Bavarian state collection of paintings. One Lock Hall is assigned to the latex painting and sculpture of the XV-XVI centuries, the other is used as a concert hall. The most impressive is the knightly hall decorated in the Gothic style with a cassette ceiling and bas-reliefs on religious topics, and the oval library in the Baroque style.

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The French rooms are preserved well, decorated in a single style with a hall. If desired, tourists can raise a climbing tower of the castle, from the top point of which the panoramic view of the city and the turquoise river Lech.

  • In a summer period, inspect the castle from the inside, tourists can from Tuesday to Sunday: from 11:00 to 17:00. But from November to March, the castle of Kurfürst is available for inspection only from Friday to Sunday: from 13:00 to 16:00. The castle guide is working in the summer solely on Tuesdays. To admit the interior of the castle, travelers will need to purchase tickets worth 6 euros.

Saint Magnus Monastery (Kloster Sankt Mang)

The monastery standing at the foot of the hill smoothly flows into the towering castle of Kurfürst. It is almost impossible to determine the border between them. So harmonious monastery with the lock combines that it seems that this is a single architectural complex. Both buildings are painted in a similar style. After looking at the monastery, it is certainly worth looking inside the Basilica of St. Magnus. Despite their age, it is preserved in excellent condition. The decoration of the Basilica looks quite spectacular - the vaults are painted by scenes from the life of St. Magnus, the columns are covered with stucco, the benches are decorated with wooden carvings, and the lower tier is decorated with marble medallions with the image of the wonders committed by the preacher. In Kripte, the monastery is the burial place of St. Magnus. More precisely, a fragment of the chest preacher is stored in the glass cross above the main altar. Here his cross, staff and a bowl for lighted wine are saved.

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The southern wing of the monastery occupies a local history museum. One of its expositions is devoted to reflections on death. There is even an exhibition of picturesque works from the European medieval series "Dance of Death" and a collection of vintage coffins. In addition, in the Muse, you can explore the small exhibition of wooden sculptures, among which there is a miniature copy of St. Magnus and a superbly performed Holy Virgin Mary with a baby. However, the most significant museum assembly is considered a collection of musical instruments performed by Fussesen masters. They always famous for the ability to create great sound violins and lute. Therefore, the museum has tried to reproduce the entire process of their creation and put on display for work instruments of masters, material and additional details.

  • A visit to the monastery of St. Magnus will cost tourists in 4 euros, but at the checkout you can get a combo ticket for 7 euros, allowing to examine the monastery and castle in one approach.

City Fountain of St. Magnus

In Füssen, there is another historically significant attraction associated with the patron saint of the city of Saint Magnus - an unusual five-meter fountain. It is installed at the end of the main pedestrian street of Raychenshtrasse (Reichenstrasse), along which old aristocratic houses are located. Earlier, the street was part of the Roman Road of Claudia Augustus, and now it is a central pedestrian trail with shops, souvenir shops and cozy cafeterias. As for the fountain, it is a stone bowl with a large pillar in the center, which is located the statue of an angel that kills the dragon.

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As the Füssen explained to me, the whole composition symbolizes the long-standing struggle of Magnus with the city elite. It works this mysterious creation of young architects all year round. In the summer, there are tables of nearby cafes around the fountain, which in the afternoon are filled with tourists and local residents.

Old pharmacy and church of the Holy Spirit

Walking along Fussen, tourists will definitely come across an unusual building with a realistic drawn medieval facade. They will be the old pharmacy, according to the locals, which is the most beautiful building in the city. Fusunets love to spend their free time in a cafe or on benches in front of the pharmacy building, and guests of the city follow their example and stop to consider the most accurately smooth and flat facade of the building with perfectly reproduced paint paint scenery. The painting of the building is regularly updated in maintaining legends about the express age of the pharmacy.

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And yet, as for me, the building of the Church of the Holy Spirit is more beautiful with a master-decorated facade. The hospital church is located at the address: Strapalgasse (Spitalgasse), 2. It was built in 1749 on the spot burnt construction. And the most interesting thing is that the church was erected in order to protect the city from numerous fires.

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Now this beautiful and unusual architectural masterpiece serves as a magnet for tourists. The facade of the church is made in the style of Rococo, and the interior is decorated in the Baroque style - the ceiling and the walls are decorated with colorful frescoes. This monument should be admired both outside and from the inside.

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