Sukhum 2015. On the main thing.


People, I was there a few winter months and understood everything about them. The main thing they have a funeral. It is almost also pathetic as a nagging of war. They go to them massively and often to completely unfamiliar individuals. Havalized feast, that's what they flew by crowds several times a week. Tuesday, Wednesday and ChTV Funeral A on Saturdays Weddings. There is no time to work, and why, after all, Russia again donated them for 10 years ahead.

Central Square Sukhum, our days:

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View from the balcony from the apartment t. Guli:

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It took a certificate of registration at the place of residence, the hostess easily agreed to go after her. I call in the PNDC, says that it cannot be tes on Tuesday and the Wednesday of the Funeral, it is necessary to call it on Thursday. I call on Thursday but the funeral was moved to the village on Thursday. Tomorrow. Tomorrow on Friday sent her sms when we meet by the police and then she calls me and yells that she was not busy, she was sitting with children. The aunt for 50 and these children have a non-working sexy milf, lives nearby. And this TEM GUL is 55 years old; There is always time to get drunk at the funeral half a day, the rest is no time.

Actually, with my settlement on December 3, 2014, it was already a fairly leaning with a funeral (well, about a very good woman of 90 years old) As usual, it seems, at the beginning of every week. This is the only entertainment and the meaning of their life.

After this rest, I quickly picked up, drove out and at three days I found myself housing from a Russian mistress twice as cheaper and immediately moved. Pierce this gule-Aborighenich came out of 30 tk. Find other tenants in these months problematic, and I was going there months 5-6 to pay her apartment.

View from the balcony from the apartment t. Guli:

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Now let the funeral traditionally drags without interference.

Foreure Forever !!! And no bright future ... When they are denuing medieval mentality.

By the way, everything turned out to be much Hu-ya already what I saw at first glance: the Gulbya on the funeral itself does not end, monthly during the year they repeat these assessments to mourn the dead! And considering that the concerns there are crowds and bury the neighbors too. , then this process they have an endless-continuous. The work during the mourning period is impossible, by the way. It is necessary to grieve. Strengtha. Takes to custom. We should respect it.

The streets have a Uzbeks, the roads are building Turks, pensions pays Russia. They are no time, they are engaged in trawrs and weddings ...

Aunting should be walking on a black year after the death of each-all. They are like flocks of the Voronene usually on the streets. Sad spectacle. Eternal Equiphertie with mournful sponges. Just a cult of funeral long-term.

I gave in Sukhum bots to the repair to the house of the house, came for them in a 12 h. Closed. Without exceptions and explanations. In PNDC, it turned out that everyone went to the wedding. It is important. And the work is not important.

Therefore, they are the third decades in the destruction of dependent in Russia ... obvious.

Photo of widespread devastation in Sukhum 2015 cm below:

Beach Sanatorium MVO. Destroy the third decade in a row, as elsewhere, however, in this country the souls are lazy people:

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Central Mail and the most popular at the local dining room in the center of Sukhuma * Cell * on the right in this house in the ruins:

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In the center of Sukhuma:

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