Shopping in Split: Tips and recommendations


In Split, as in a pretty little resort city with 220 thousand people, there are all opportunities to take their free time by hikes in searching for souvenirs, jewelry, clothing and other goods.

This city is conditionally divided into two parts - old and new. The most appropriate area for shopping is the Old Town, where small shops with all sorts of whole are located long. Cheap clothes and shoes are sold there, jewelry and accessories. On the long street Marmontova are international network stores. Product prices from famous brands in this Croatian city are practically no different from ours.

In Split stores selling local production, bargaining is quite appropriate. Split rather low prices for local products, clothes and even sometimes on jewelry products. If you have not captured bathing accessories on the trip, then look at the street behind the Stari Pazar market - there it is good selling at fairly low prices.

Shopping centers Splita

There are three large Molla in the city in which everyone can only wish


First, it is "Mercator" - a shopping center belonging to the network of the largest supermarkets in Croatia. It is located outside the city, five kilometers away, towards the airport or the city of Trogir. In Mercator usually get on a direct bus that leaves from the city center. The main trading point of this mall is precisely the Mercator supermarket (where the food can be caught in food), and besides him, there is still a couple of dozen small stores; In these stores are engaged in the implementation of sports products, sell shoes, clothing, accessories, jewelry, and so on. On the territory of the shopping center there is a free parking.

Mercator shopping center is open from eight o'clock in the morning to nine evenings. Contact Tel.: +385 (021) 204 400. Search for more details on the official website of the institution:

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The second large shopping center Split is the Joker Center. The newest and largest mall in the city, "Joker Center" was opened in 2007. It takes very popular among local. Located not far from the city center - approximately fifteen minutes walk. In the building of the shopping center - four floors with fifty stores. Among them are the institutions of popular network stamps - like "Deichmann" or "Hervis". The variety of goods is converted, besides, the only McDonalds in this city is located in the Joker Center, on the lower floor. Well, entertainment, of course, are present - a cool new cinema, swimming pool, restaurant ... Free parking for cars. For clarifications to call here: +385 (021) 396 938.


The third largest shipping center Split. However, it is not in the city itself, but in seven-eight kilometers from the center, in Castel Sućurac (the old road to the Trigger). With the transport of problems you will not have, there is a direct bus message. There are forty-fifty stores in this shopping center, including a large furniture store and the largest food supermarket - "iPercoop" in Split. In stock Large selection of sports goods and shoes, as well as accessories. There are points of catering in which you can "climb the worm" in the break between visits to shops.

This institution works from 9 am to 9 pm. More information on the shopping center "Emmezeta" is here:

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Split markets

If you like to visit markets more (because where, as it is not here, you can feel the real life and the mentality of these people!), In Split, you will have the possibility of such a pastime.

"Stari Pazar"

Almost in any part of the city there are small markets where fresh fruit vegetables are sold, but Green Market is the greatest interest for visitors, he is "Stari Pazar". It is located between the mountainous bus station and Diocletian Palace. Here, in addition to fresh products, trades more local cheeses, olive oil, Croatian wines and raki (this is such a Balkan 40-degree alcoholic drink). On the street near the Stari Pazar market, small souvenir shops and other shopping shops are located, where they sell all sorts of cheap rubbing - sunglasses, bags, accessories. The Stari Pazar market opens in half the morning, and finishes work as late in the evening.

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For fresh fish and seafood, go to the Fish Market Market, or Peskarija. This is a specialized fish market that local residents are constantly visited. It is located on the square near Marmontova Street. Fish Market opens half a seed, closes in two o'clock in the afternoon. At this afternoon, the cost of all fish products on the market is reduced by two times. At the Fish Market, such "useful" men, which for a fee are offered to clean the fish, so that with independent cooking dishes you have one problem less.

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