Why should I go to Badalon?


Those who love Spain do not need to campaign for the trip on her even to small cities, but those who are just going to love this temperamental, bright and very old kingdom, should be treated: visit Badalon! Madrid, Palma de Majorca, Canaras are beautiful - no words, but now, hitting the Badalon, you can not only live a length of time in the atmosphere of her charm, but also combine staying in a small town with a visit to the famous Barcelona, ​​because Badalona is actually her suburb .

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There are places on our planet that the Lord blessed with a light hand: And nature is amazing, and the weather is a nice year, and the economy is flourishing. These blessed corners are safely attributed to Badalon After all, on some 20 times with a tail of square kilometers, everything was able to fit: from gorgeous sandy beaches - to developed agriculture and production, developed so much that the city is the industrial heart of all Spain. After going here, the tourist gets the richest set of various pleasures. From the point of view of cognitive tourism, the ancient Roman civilization "Heritage" here is still from the II century BC, leaving our baths, water supply, mosaic, sculptural images and even the remains of the defensive wall. Lovers of perfect sunbathing weather are offered a long resort season on broadband coastal lines, among which there are nudist sections. By the way, as for climatic features: in winter there is no colder -10 here, and in the summer it does not torment the burning heat, because the thermometer column holds at a mark about +25 and is humid enough, so as not to choke. The culinary tour deserves in these edges of this time: Spanish cuisine as a whole and in particular Badalonskaya good - and that's it. Interestingly, Badalongs like all the Spaniards do not really complain coffee. They can skip the cup between the adoption of food, but the new day is traditionally starting with a mug of fragrant, thick, hot chocolate. And, of course, the local wine of the excellent quality does not pass any meal. It is no coincidence due to the winemaking, including Badalon, keeps on a good economic meavor since ancient times. Another huge plus from the point of view of the tourist industry is the abundance of urban and national holidays and festivals, which, in accordance with the hot incendiary and very musical Spanish character, pass here with the imaginable imagination. If you burn the devil scarecrow in the "holiday of burning all devils" (traditionally held in May), so it should take a noticeable part of the beach and hollow like all ten bonfros. And the costume-dance processions in the streets and squares, for example, in the biggest holiday - the arrival of the Virgin (August 15) captures almost all residents and guests Badalonians. No less noisy, fun and practically around the clock celebrated the festival of the patron of the city of Saint Anastasio.

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The issue with temporary placement is solved quite easily - the hotel foundation, private apartments "turnkey", apartments and other types of accommodation are presented here in abundance. But, It is worth considering that the Spanish Bandalon love almost all over the world, and the flow of tourists - especially in a high season - may not leave you a choice if you do not take care of the hotel in advance . Fashionable options will help to spend a height of the highest level, adding all the Badalon pluses of pleasure to accommodate and spend the time free from the beach and shopping time in the hotel walls. The proximity of Barcelona and the well-established shipping network (subway, route taxis) give the freedom to visit a major neighborhood at any time of the day. Although in the Badalon itself there is a lot to look at. For example, only the churches, erected for the most part during the dark, but still the magnificent medieval of what is worth ... By the way, the inquisitive travelers will be interested in visiting the ancient monastery of San Choroni de la Murtra, and not only because of his beauty and majestity , but also because it was here that the meeting of Christopher Columbus, who returned from his famous swimming in America was organized here. Those who love to have fun in full and preferably in a complex with shopping and lunch, it is better to stroll through Badalon shopping centers, which are designed in such a way as to please visit users in all articles - shops, cafes and restaurants, billiards, cinema hall, etc.

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