What to do on vacation on Aruba? Best entertainment.


Aruba is a small island and at the same time self-governing public education, which is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The locals are their picturesque and friendly island consider an independent state, and tourists among themsels come to Arab people call this resort by the Caribbean Netherlands. As with most Islands of the Caribbean, rest on Aruba assumes swimming in turquoise waters, lazy restlings under affectionate sunlight on sandy beaches and a complete immersion in a variety of water and not only entertainment. The most nature on this seaside resort has perfect conditions for serene rest - wide and long beaches, rich in flora and fauna, an amazing underwater world. Plus, a few human fantasy and ingenuity and as a result, a decent set of entertainment appears to the attention of tourists.

The most popular entertainment at this resort is a diverse observation of the life of the underwater world. On Arubi, tourists will easily find centers that provide everything necessary for snorkeling, diving, underwater swimming. Washing island of water are famous for interesting coral formations and unpredictable underwater finds - the consequences of large and small shipwrecks. The most exciting views for dives are located at the western and southern shore of Aruba. Explore these dive sites. Tourists can along with the instructors of one of the diving center of the resort. Travelers who have decided to get acquainted with diving first, should be resorted to Diving Center "Red Sail" . Its branches are available throughout the island. One of them can be found in the beach area Palm Beach. It is here at a short distance from the coast and are the most interesting places for diving. Beginner divers of the Center Instructors offer to admire the plane crash and coral formation, intense with angels and parrot fish. Experienced divers may be immersed to the place of death of the German cargo farm flooded in 1940. According to the assurance of the employees of the diving center, the ghost ship impressions even on experienced divers. The cost of the dive program starts from 150 dollars. Almost all branches of the red sail diving center work daily from 9:00 to 18:00.

On Aruba in Oranjestad, another one works Diving Center Aqua Windies . It is located on the Dr. Oduber Boulevard, 4. Tourists who decided to seriously do diving, can be held in the center a full course of 455 dollars. The same for whom to get acquainted with the underwater world of Aruba - just fun, can make one immersion with preliminary preparation for $ 103 or two dives for $ 138. For beginners, dive sites are selected in the area of ​​small reefs. This is an easy task, given the fact that the outstanding wonderful coral formations are in small depth - from 6 meters. Works diving center daily. On weekdays, visit his tourists from 8:00 to 20:00, and on weekends, the working day ends at 17:00.

In both diving centers, tourists will be able to rent everything you need for snorkeling - a mask with a breathing tube, flippers. Everything else is found in warm sea waters - exotic marine fish, skates, moray and corals. Beaches Bebi Beach and Arashi Beach are considered the best places for snorkeling on Aruba. The main thing is that you should not forget the holidaymakers engaged in swimming under the surface of the water - in no case should you touch the corals.

As for organized snorkeling tours, behind them travelers should contact the previously mentioned diving centers. For a 45-minute tour of the holidays will have to lay out at least 55 dollars.

Tourists who prefer acquaintance with the underwater inhabitants without immersion in the water, the resort island offers suitable entertainment - Deep-sea fishing . Fish in the washydowning arub waters is caught all year round. For fishing fishing, tourists can hire a small boat or a yacht with the crew. Water transport rental is possible afternoon or for a whole day. Honestly, this is a fairly expensive option, because only the rental of the boat will turn out $ 300-400 and this is without equipment.

What to do on vacation on Aruba? Best entertainment. 18865_1

Significantly cheaper fishing will cost tourists if you agree on participation in it with local fishermen on one of the berths of the island. In this case, for 4-hour entertainment with a large or small cattle, it will be necessary to pay from 45 to 70 dollars.

Another available entertainment on the island of Aruba, connected with the underwater world, is Underwater walk which can be held on a submarine, on a vessel with large glass windows at the bottom, in special diving helmets. Atlantic underwater walk It gives the opportunity to tourists admire on fish that live at a depth of 42 meters. It lasts for almost two hours. During this time, the boat sails past two sunken vessels and near the most exotic marine corner of Aruba.

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To participate in a walk can everyone who wishes over 4 years old. Adult submarine cost $ 105, the cost of a children's ticket amount to 79 dollars.

Cheaper option, but this is no less interesting, is Walk on a boat with big glass windows immersed in water. Through peculiar portholes, tourists can observe the life of creatures living at a depth of 1.5 meters. Begins a trip from Pick Palm. It lasts it and a half hours.

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An adult ticket on the semi-submarine costs $ 39, children can take a walk for $ 29.

Brave tourists Agency "de Palma" proposes to commit Walking on the seabed in the helmet specially designed for diving . During the submarine promenade, you can admire the sunken aircraft, to populate the accompanying instructor and feed tropical fish. Proof of underwater walks will be made at the seabed photography, the cost of which is included in the cost of the walk.

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The duration of this entertainment is 1 hour. Recognizing in it can vacationers over 8 years old are not falling under the agency agency restrictions on health reasons. For children, the underwater walk costs $ 36, for adults -49 dollars.

All walks are organized by the Agency "de Palma", the office of which is located in Oranjestada on Boulevard L. Smita, 142.

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