What excursions to choose in Sandanski?


Diversify holidays on therapeutic resort Sandanski Tourists can visit one or more excursions depending on the duration of recreation and financial opportunities. Walking through the streets and acquaintance with the monuments of the resort, vacationers can organize themselves. It's easy enough to do it. If I want not only to admire the next sights of Sandanski, but also to hear cognitive stories about the city and fascinating legends associated with mineral sources, then you will have to resort to the help of an experienced guide. It is possible to find such a trip while planning a trip with the help of the Internet. If the desire to explore the city, accompanied by a local guide, will arise spontaneously while staying in Sandanski, then travelers will need to turn to City Information and Travel Bureau . It is located at: Macedonia Street, 28. The center staff will help not only choose a tour corresponding to the interests and requests of travelers, but also will be prompted, where you can have cheap dinner, it is advantageous to exchange currency or buy the necessary products and unusual souvenirs. In addition, in the travel bureau, you can take a schedule for the nearest urban events, a plan of Velo and ekomarshrutes in the city and around the city and surroundings.

As for the choice of excursion programs, it consists of the following tours of the city and walks along the nearby remarkable corners of the region.

Almost any guide in Sandanski first offers tourists 1.5-2-hour Terrekur in the resort . It is an unhurried walk around the city with a number of mineral sources, a visit to the central park of Sveti doctor and climbing the city dendropark. The cost of such an ecological walk with therapeutic effect is 10 lefts. Although it seems quite trivial, in fact, during such a sightseeing tour, holidaymakers learn a lot of interesting things about Sandanski and at the same time receive great benefit from a walk on the clean and "delicious" air of an amazing balneological resort.

The following option may be Sandanski vicinity or Journey to the nearby Bulgarian village . The first excursion option involves a walk to the Sandansky Monastery of St. Kuzma and St. Damian. It is located about 2.5 kilometers from the city center on the right bank of the Sandanska Bistritar's river. The history of the monastery is quite confusing, but the guides assure that in this place the wound of the Christian church structure existed in this place. Nowadays, only the remnants of old walls can be found around the monastery, the basics of columns and crumbs of clay pipes. The Sandanian Male Monastery is valid and the monks allow tourists to inspect. The most curious place in the monastery is the holy source hidden in the chapel of St. Petka.

What excursions to choose in Sandanski? 18857_1

Walk can go on foot or partly by car. This will affect the duration and cost of the excursion. Typically, the price of such a tour starts from 10 lion. And at the excursions to 4 people can take part. Thus, each participant will need to pay only 2.5 levs.

The second version of the informational walk consists of acquaintance with the life and life of the Bulgarian village. Most often, travelers are invited to visit the village of Ilondenza, which is removed from Sandanski by 16 kilometers. The village is located in the Pirin Mountains among limestone rocks. During the excursion, tourists will be able to explore a specially trained village house with traditional decoration and homemade utensils. Travelers will be treated with a tasty lunch consisting of national Bulgarian homemade dishes. In the village of Ilindentsi, in addition to rural life, travelers will be able to inspect an unusual park of marble sculptures. Annually, the park collection is replenished with new creations of masters from France, Japan and Germany.

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From the park, accompanied by a guide, tourists will follow the sacred source of "Tears of those killed." A group walk will take 5 hours and cost travelers in 8 lions. In the case of an individual trip to the village, tourists will have to give the accompanying 30 lion. Since lunch costs are included in the cost of a tour, the only unplanned spent can be 1 lion. His, on his own discretion, the rest will be able to omit in a kind of stone piggy bank in the park of marble sculptures.

Active vacationers Local Travel Bureau offers to take part in Having a pilgrim tour , 16 kilometers long. During a five-hour walk, the participants will be able to visit the Rozhen monastery and several closed churches in the vicinity of Melnik.

What excursions to choose in Sandanski? 18857_3

The tour starts from the city of Melnik, where tourists are pre-delivered by car. After the exhausting walk, the participants return to Sandanski with the help of transport. Such an excursion takes the whole day, but delivers a lot of pleasure and a little muscle pain. Participation in the pilgrimage tour will cost tourists in 25 levs.

Of all the excursions offered by the tourist center, the most colorful, in my opinion, is Walk to Waterfall Popina Lyk . This relatively low, but very colorful waterfall is located 16.5 kilometers from Sandanski in the picturesque terrain of Pirin Mountains. In fact, Popina Lyk is an inutenitic waterfall, and a whole cascade of small, but very beautiful waterfalls. The most visited of them reaches a height of 11 meters. And this does not prevent brave tourists at all in the summer, jumping from such a height into clean and transparent water Popina Lyk. True, a guide accompanying travelers during the inspection of a waterfall, strictly-setting prohibits such a recklessness.

What excursions to choose in Sandanski? 18857_4

From the observation deck over the waterfall opens a wonderful view of the river. The feeling of calm and peace is created thanks to a pleasant murmur of water, huge pine, as directed to the sky.

From Sandanski to the trail leading to the waterfall, tourists are delivered by car. Further, the road passes through age-old conifers, parallel to the river River Bashley. Her travelers overcome on foot, stopping to stay on the priterated clearing. After the inspection of the waterfall, tourists attend the trout farm and return to Sandanski. As a result, an exciting walk is stretched almost all day and costs such a pleasure of 10 lips.

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