Where to go to Sandanski and what to see?


In Bulgaria, there are many resorts, challenged by Russian-speaking tourists. But the existence of Sandanski knows that travelers are interested in combining a relaxing holiday with therapeutic procedures. The rest of the tourists, most likely, did not even hear about the balneological resort, spreading on the two shores of the Sandanska Bistritar at the foot of the Pirin Mountains. In fact, this town with a unique climate can surprise holidaymakers. Sandanski has not only open sources with useful mineral waters, but also a picturesque park, a historic museum and a couple of sights. However, Sandanski itself is a beautiful city. In the warm season, the resortprosto is drowning in greenery, many colorful colors, exotic southern plants, fountains and equipped sources with mountain and mineral water occurs everywhere.

Acquaintance with the sights of Sandanski begins even at the entrance to the resort town. It is here that the road development is located architectural and sculptural complex With a towering seventener statue of an antique hero Spartak.

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According to legend, the legendary gladiator and the Greek hero of Spartak was born in these parts. Inspection of the complex does not take just a couple of minutes. Making a couple of memorable photos, tourists can move on to the very center of the city. Where at the beginning of the pedestrian street Macedonia inquisitive travelers expects City Historical and Archaeological Museum . Among its exhibits there are unique finds found during the excavations of an ancient city, once located in the territory of modern Sandanski.

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One Museum Hall is assigned to the collection of coins, jewelry and items of life of the Roman rule. Another large part of the museum complex is located right open-air. This is due to the fact that its exhibits are the ruins of the Bishop Bishop John and the continuing excavation of buildings relating to different historical epochs. Despite the leading archaeological works, visitors to the museum can examine the ruins of basilica with amazing mosaic floor, the remains of the baptistery and an atrium with colonnade. In total, more than 11 thousand exhibits are stored in the museum.

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Find the Archaeological Museum is simple enough. It is located on the city central street connecting the picturesque park with a pedestrian zone of the city, in the house number 55. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday: from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 19:00. In winter, in addition to Monday, a non-working day in the museum becomes Sunday.

Having waged literally a couple of steps from the museum near the old tree, which has 700 years old, travelers will find a small, but still a curious monument - Fountain under the plane feud . Sandanski fountain was transported from the Greek city of Serres in 1918. It is believed that the planetary system corresponding to the ancient Bulgarian calendar was carved on the marble surface of the fountain, drawn up in the third century to our era.

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At the end of the main pedestrian street of the resort of tourists, a unique city park is found, which is the old name of the city - Sveti doctor . This place is not only the heart of the resort, but also one of the pearls of Bulgaria. Park, occupying 34 hectares of Square, love to visit all locals and guests Sandanski. More than 150 types of colors are planted here and about 100 species of trees. At the entrance to the park - on the left side of the central avenue, tourists are waiting for a mold layout of Pirin. And, having passed a little further, travelers will find funny swinging bridges over the mountain river Sandansk Bistric.

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In the evening, lights light on the suspended bridges, turning them into romantic park objects. In addition to the set of alleys, most of which are sandy, wooden arbors, playgrounds and stone grots on the territory of the park there are three sources of mineral water and two open swimming pools that are replenished with thermal water from mineral springs. By the way, an interesting legend is connected with each source, and its water is unique and is useful in its own way. For a symbolic fee, everyone in the warm period can swim in the Park basins, among which the newly renovated Olympic pool is eight more expensive.

In the center of the park, tourists can stay, sitting at the table of one of the cafe for a cup of coffee. At the same time, it will be possible to admire the view of the picturesque lake with an artificial waterfall. If desired, the lake inspection is possible during water bike riding. By the way, you can spend walking in the park while sitting in the car carriage. There is such a pleasure of only 1 lion. The next part of the park is occupied by a summer theater, in which jazz and folklore festivals are held from time to time, and in a summer period, small theatrical ideas are arranged for children. Theater is located behind the fountain of the star.

Not far from the city center on Kirill Street and Methodius Church of St. George , representing a small copy of the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia. The building of the Church, erected in the XIX century, is painted in white, and a poor interior decorate the icons made by the artist Nikolai Shelekhov. For tourists, the inspection of this holy place is free.

And another natural attraction of Sandanski surrounds the city. it Pirin National Park which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its fir and pine forests together with colorful mountains of 3-kilometer heights are impressive at first sight. The age of some trees reaches 500 years.

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Inspection of all Sandanski's attractions with ease to fit in one day.

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