Shopping in Singapore: Where to go shopping?


Singapore among other shopping centers occupies clearly not the last place. This amazing city has goods from all over the world, so you will have the opportunity to enjoy the process of choice thanks to numerous offers. The most popular Molls are on the "Street of Fruit Gardens" - Orchard Road..

Despite the deceptive first impression of innocence, which at first can inspire you the kind of Orchard Road, this shopping street is not so simple as it seems. You are easily Risk getting lost in the local alleys , so it stands in advance purchase a guide to shopping centers.

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About shopping areas

After hiking on Mollams, I want to gain something more or less "present", really associated with its history and culture. Similar things are sold only in small street shops and market shops. In Singapore, there is an Indian quarter for these purposes - "Little India" and chinese - "Chinatown" . Unlike shopping centers, in small points it is possible a little and bargain. But only a little - there is no custom in Singapore to overestimate prices.


Chinatown is close to the modern highlight of the business district and contrasts them sharply. Here you can cheap buy some wonderful souvenir . The Chinese are a sense in trade and try to please everyone - both thin connoisseurs of ethnic products and "inconsolable" in this regard, for which all sorts of T-shirts with symbols of the country and other standard nonsense, acquired usually "for a tick" are sold next to truly interesting things. .

Among other things, in Chinatown sell all sorts Healing drugs And so on in the same spirit - who is interested in Chinese medicine, it is probably lucky to acquire something such exotic. Also this area is attacked for fans Traditional Chinese Drink - Tea . Specialized outlets for sale Tens of excellent varieties at more or less normal prices.

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Indian quarter

As for the Indian Quarter, this is a "completely different story." If briefly, then here is dirty, chaotically and stink (due to the apparent mixed smell from different kind of seasoning and colors). Some visitors who looked here simply will not bring all this darkness.

But those who will launch the inconvenience of this shopping quest, will be able to acquire a pedestrian National Indian Sari Clothes , wonderful jewelry, Copper and silver products pretty low prices . However, the main "chip" of this area is all Specific and rare spices and seasonings . If you know a lot about them, then in the Indian Quarter you will find a lot of interesting things.

In addition, in "Little India" are located Two largest in all Singapore grocery store - "Mustafa" and "Tekka" . They can find everything that only the soul wishes. And Prices - the lowest in the whole city.

Great Singapore sale

I already wrote that in Singapore you can find any product for every taste - there are so many here. As made everywhere in the world, Singapore's shopping institutions are regularly satisfied Sales in the period of offseason and during large holidays - such as the "New Year" and others. About one of these events that lays shopping lovers from all over the planet, I'll tell you further. It is called "Great Singapore Sales". It is carried out every year for eight weeks - from May to July.

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This annual long-term action acts in almost all major trading establishments of Singapore . During the period of action of the Great Singapore sale, it is not difficult to find a product with a discount, reaching 70-80 percent. In addition to discounts, visitors are currently waiting Drawing lotteries with prizes So you don't have to miss you here.

At this time, the considerable influx of customers is ensured not only at the expense of the influx of tourists, but also thanks to the locals who prepare for sale in advance make up lists of the necessary purchases and postpone the money. This year, the sale started on May 29 and will last on July 26th. More relevant information can be learned on the site

Return of VAT (Tax Free) in Singapore

In Singapore, it is possible to return a part of the money spent on the purchase - that is Return the amount of tax on the added value (VAT) - 7% of the price of goods . You can do it at the local airport - Changi. If you leave Singapore not by plane, but with the help of any other type of transportation, it will not be possible to return these percentages. To get the possibility of returning VAT, you need to purchase goods for a minimum amount of a hundred dollars (for one unit of products). When making buying you Must give a special check "Tax Free" , in addition to the usual check. At the airport upon presentation of a check for receiving VAT returns bought The goods must be in the original packaging.

VAT refund is carried out with the help of two firms - "Global Blue" and "Premier Tax Free" . At the Customs on the check "Tax Free" put a stamp, and the money will be given on the rack of one of the above companies. This amount can be obtained both in cash and translated a card (Then you will lose a little on the commissions for the transaction). In the Russian Federation, Tax Free can be returned to banks "VTB", "INTEZA" and "MASTER BANK" - no only for two months Since the purchase.

Pleasant shopping in Singapore!

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