The eternal city of Rome - a mixture of different era


In the center of Rome, you do not immediately understand what you are in the capital of the European country. The fault of the era of the Empire (archaeological zone is in the heart of the city) and the Majestic Colosseum, tested in the rays of the sunset - as well as tens of centuries ago. And the Hindus, destroyed in the robes of gladiators and offering tourists a photo for 5 euros, add atmosphere).

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The architecture is so diverse (from the ancient ruins to the era of late classicism), which is involuntarily thinking - how could this all be fit just in one city? Only I admired the statue of Julia Caesar and the column of Emperor Trojan, as a few turns before his eyes, the magnificent building of the opera house with the bills operas Giuseppe Verdi appears. Rome is diverse and many-sided, as well as his great story, some buildings do not fit into the picture of the city as the Palace of Benito Musolini. The Romans themselves call it a "ugly wedding cake," which spoils the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Although for me - a very monumental and pompous building, which in accuracy reflects the spirit of the city.

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Rome is great. Not beautiful, not beautiful (or what else may be adjectives there), namely great, grandiose. This is immediately starting to feel, only stepping into the territory of the Vatican. The huge cathedral of St. Peter towers over the entire Catholic world and hints at the former power of the Pope over the entire Europe. Indecent treasures are stored in the museums of this city-state to the heart of Rome. To get around all the halls, you need at least a week. But even a quick excursion will leave indelible impressions. One sequstine chapel of what is worth! Eh, it's a pity to photograph it was impossible ... The Italians jealously guard from curious lenses this masterpiece of Michelengo.

Rome is the heart of culture: concerts, operas, theatrical festivals in the great set are waiting for you in this city. What, as in the architecture, in a variety of genres: from ancient times to modern times.

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The Romans themselves are very proud of both the city and their past. I did not notice that some negligence to appearance, which is characteristic of the rest of Europe. Men are dressed with needles - up to the nailed shoes and neatly laid hair. Women are also not inferior - fashionable costumes, handbags, shoes on a heel. There are too many clothing stores in the city and accessories per square meter. And, of course, a Russian speech is very often audible in them).

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In Rome, everyone should go, because from this city began the whole story of Western civilization to which we belong to you. And know your story - it means to have a future.

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