Is it worth going with children to rest in Arkhipo-Osipovka?


The question "To take or not take your child to the sea" is solved purely individually, because the parameters here are a great set: the age of the child, the level of its health is finally the material state of the family, etc. At the same time, some adult members of the "Familia" for some reason are looped On swims in the sea as the most important factor of recreation, but this is far from this: for the "northern" kids are important as an equally air, vegetables and fruits grown on environmentally friendly, southern lands, psychological comfort surrounded by beautiful landscapes. At the same time, it is not necessary to drag a diet to the overseas shores - our Krasnodar region copes very well with the long-established title "All-Russian Health Safety". Moreover, for a very extended Black Sea coast, you can choose any of the resort zones - and they are on the entire coastline from Anapa to Sochi - the health of your family, your child or children on their climatic features of the health. It can be said, the Golden Middle in this regard has long remained the place in the Gelendzhik group of resorts - the village of Archpo-Osipovka.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Arkhipo-Osipovka? 18756_1

A rowed mining, this resort retains almost for almost all seasons of the year, comfortable for amendment of well-being and just for recreation climate. Suffice it to say that sunny days here is much more than, say, in Sochi. The natural component in addition to the sea is enriched in these places, and two rivers - Hulan and Teshebts, as well as delicious waterfalls, whose color is casting gold. The sea air itself is healing, but in the vicinity of Archbo-Osipovka, it is supplemented by "exclusive" notes of a number of not only endemic, but also relict plants, for example, juniper, agaves, marsh cypress and even plants that are much older than dinosaurs - Gingko or simply Speaking of chinese silver apricot. Of course, such a "cocktail" will have an additional beneficial effect on the health of the baby or adolescent. By the way, about separation by the ages: The village itself is a small, only water park, and the amusement park, and the dolphinarium (by the way, in the open sky) are also small in size, and, it means, it will be very well fit and the little children, and the older guys . For kids, the hotelians prudently organize appropriate entertainment age - equipped area in the courtyard, playroom, special mini furniture, experienced nanny services, diet menu in their own cafe or dining room, etc., and the number of such specific services also have those hotels on The entrance signs of which are not built in a number of four or five stars, that is, family holidays with kids are conveniently organized in the budget version. Generally The residential foundation village is ready to satisfy a wide variety of requests, so that parents with the kids remain only to choose - which they prefer: organized by a strict schedule and ordered stay at the resort (sanatorium, boarding house) or lively, unpredictable habitat on vacation in partially home rules (apartments with Own kitchen, mini-hotels).

Is it worth going with children to rest in Arkhipo-Osipovka? 18756_2

But, of course, going on vacation along with the younger generation, the parents are obliged to consider them a cultural program for them, since it is molded with a sandy sandbox and splashing in shallow water (namely, a comfortable gentle entrance to the sea at this resort) children will not be round days. In addition, it is simply necessary to use any opportunity so that the journey becomes a wonderful adventure, a valuable contribution to the piggy bank of child memory. Therefore, it should be noted that The village, despite its modest sizes, is a rather rich story from ancient times to the present day . That is, with older children, you can go on a hike in the surroundings - look at the ruins and the preserved remnants of the fortress, protective walls, cannon, and impressive still retaining the secret structures from the impressive stone slabs - dolmen, they are, by the way, the largest number On the coast, something about five dozen. With adolescents, even a three-day hike in the mountains is quite realistic - on Podcozin Yar. Blue grotto, close gorge, stalactitic cave - just some amazing stops on the path of tourists.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Arkhipo-Osipovka? 18756_3

The attention of the kids attract the beach on the very same day: Mount Hedgehog on this side is also clearly visible, as with the beach of neighboring Jugbi. Children will definitely keep in mind this feeling of a joint pleasant pastime in warm sea water with a rocky "hedgehog", koking the muzzle right into coastal waves.

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