Inaccessible Island Le Mon-Saint-Michel


Le Mont-Saint-Michel is this charming island-fortress, which is located in the middle of the sea, I often saw in magazines, on the Internet, and when I was lucky enough to visit my sister, I definitely decided to visit this creation!

Journey from us turned out to be spontaneous, so we tried to save on everything, often unreasonably and attentive to themselves!

As usual, I went to the trip with my friend. Renting in Paris the car, somehow shoveling two suitcase in the trunk of Nissan Micro, we went to the road. True, considering that we are under 2 meters in tall, we lost a little with the car. Having decided to save, we went bypassing paid roads, a great navigator helped us in the way, pre-opened into the tablet.

Of course, no incidents on the road did not cost. After 9 pm, all small towns die out and it's hard to meet at least someone on the street. And this "someone" it would be very necessary for us when we arrive at the refueling found that only cards with chip are accepted there. There is no service personnel, around anyone! We had one single card with a chip, but it didn't seem to be money on it ... In the end, we were lucky, after 20-30 minutes, young guys arrived and we were asked for a mixture of English and French, they asked them to pay the card, instead of our cash.

For hours by 11 evening we arrived in the town of Fuuder. Burning around the city in search of the hotel at night finally found a suitable option for 55 euros per room. But as usual for this time, the day, nor on the street, or at the reception, we did not find anyone. In this hotel, self-service, you dwell money in the device, choose the type of room, breakfast, number of people and pay.

Waking up early we went to the island. Since December was a month, the weather left much to be desired. But when this is a miracle appears on the horizon, you already have no weather to enjoy this kind (if it is not "deaf" fog))). On the planet, there are a lot of places at the sight of which the spirit captures, Saint-Michel is definitely one of them! It seems to me even the locals, seeing this island every day, do not get tired to admire. After all, there is something! Saint-Michel - Among UNESCO to the World Heritage of Mankind, and UNESCO dismantled in historical monuments)

After putting the car to the parking lot, we went on foot along the road leading to the island (there are free buses there, so with bad weather it is better to use them).

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The complex located on the island includes: city, cemetery, church, bastions and many other objects.

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A large number of souvenir shops, cafes. Interesting and inexpensive souvenirs were acquired for all family members! =) Multi-level buildings are one of the features of this complex. About historical facts, I will probably die, and so much in the network.

During our visit there was a cast

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And small group of people went to "walk" to the neighboring islands. We did not dare, there was no changeable clothes for this.

In general, on the inspection of the whole complex we left about 3-4 hours. This is quite enough. Of course you can stay there and at night, there is a hotel on the island, but my opinion is superfluous. In one day, you can do everything perfectly in detail!

Back we have already drove on the bus right to the parking lot, where we left the car. We could not "part" with this fortress for a long time and have stopped several times to take a picture of the island from different angles. Definitely, Le Mon-Saint-Michel became a highlight of our trip to France. And we still remember with delight this island-fortress!

My advice: better of course go here in summer or early fall, when the weather pleases!

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