What time is it better to rest in Haifa?


Haifa is a city in Israel, which is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea at the foot of Mount Karmel. Tourists visit Haifa and for the sake of a beach holiday (there are several beaches in the city), and to inspect interesting places in the city.

What time is it better to rest in Haifa? 18516_1

Climate Haifa

The climate of the city refers to the Mediterranean, thanks to this winter there is warm enough, and in summer, on the contrary, more cool than in other Israeli cities. (Summer in Haifa, for example, does not matter any comparison with the summer in other Israeli cities).

The precipitates are mainly falling out from November to April, in other months they are extremely rare.

Due to the fact that Haifa protects the mountain range, there is a rather high humidity - the air can not move deep into the country.

Summer in Haifa

Summer is the hottest season in the city, the average daytime temperature ranges from 24 to 28 degrees, above 30 with a little it rises extremely rarely, the absolute maximum for July - August is 33-34 degrees.

June opens the swimming season in Haifa - if at the very beginning of summer the water is slightly cool (on average its June temperature - 23 degrees), in July-August she warms up to 26-27 degrees, which makes it quite suitable not only for active bathing, But for those who just like to sit in the water.

What time is it better to rest in Haifa? 18516_2

In general, summer is exactly the time of the year, when in Haifa you can relax perfectly on the beach, at the same time the beach holidays can be combined with sightseeing - good in the city is not too hot (not as, for example, in Tel- Aviv, where summer temperatures are often overnight for 35 degrees).

Autumn in Haifa

September in the city is a certain continuation of summer, because even though the outdoor temperature is gradually and declining (on average, it stops at 25-26 degrees in September), water remains very and very warm - 26 - 27 degrees, so you can Continue to swim without fear of hypothermia.

September is the velvet season in Haifa, it is great for those who do not like heat, and prefers warmly, for example, for the elderly.

In October - November, the air and water temperature is already significantly reduced, and the beach season ends - the average air temperature is 20-23 degrees, and water - 23-24 degrees.

In October, there is almost no precipitation in Haifa, so this month is suitable for those who want to explore the sights of the city and to travel on other Israeli cities - the temperature throughout the country gradually decreases, which makes hiking much more pleasant.

In November, sediments are already beginning in the city, although the air temperature continues to be comfortable.

Winter in Haifa

The average winter temperatures in the city oscillate between 10 and 20 degrees, there may be cool enough, especially when the wind blows.

December and January - the rainy months a year, so it is not the best time to relax in Haifa - the beach holiday is impossible, and the rains annoyers rain. If you still chose these months to rest - do not forget the umbrella.

What time is it better to rest in Haifa? 18516_3

At night, the temperature may be lowered to zero, and the heating is not in all hotels of the city, so it is better to find out this question in advance, otherwise you risks freeze at night.

Spring in Haifa

In March, quite cool weather is waiting for you - the ambient air warms up to 16 degrees above zero, precipitation gradually becomes less and less.

In April, the weather becomes more pleasant - the middle-air temperature is at the level of 18-19 degrees, it becomes very little rain, so if you are interested in sights, then you can easily schedule a visit to Haifa for April.

In May, it becomes warmer - the air warms up to 20 degrees, and the water temperature reaches 20 degrees, so the most hardened swimsters will be able to open the season in May. Precipitation at this time is no longer.

So let's summarize:

  • Beach season in Haifa begins with June and lasts until the end of September
  • In the period from May to November, there are practically no precipitation
  • The rainy months are December and January
  • The best months for sightseeing are October, November, March and April

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