Rest season in Arkhyze. When is it better to go to Arkhyz on vacation?


Arkhyz is not only useful, therapeutic mineral water, spilled on the bottle and put on the shopping counters. This can be said, the place of pilgrimage of those who do not think themselves without stunning nature. A small village with a population from the strength in a half-thousand man in Karachay-Cherkessia, sheltered at the very bottom of the basin surrounded by the grandiose mountains, waterfalls and a rustling of a truly relic greens, has long been a favorite vacation spot, and not only Russians.

Rest season in Arkhyze. When is it better to go to Arkhyz on vacation? 18509_1

To the sea coast from these spurs of the Caucasian ridge are far away, but the natural wealth of local places is that Tourist flow here does not dry up all year round . A truly unforgettable vacation gives Arkhyz, one only enumeration of all fascinating classes will take not one line. The ski slopes with a length of about 270 km and a different level of complexity have their supporters. The area of ​​the valley with the surrounding ridges was chosen not only climbers, but also professionals of mountain hiking up to the fourth degree of difficulty. The River Big Zelechuk turned out to be very convenient for water sports - up to the third category by complexity. Horse riding on developed routes for the most different levels of tourist preparedness for almost everyone. No less actively mastered these picturesque places and cyclists. Arkhyz favorably meets all not only trained and well prepared. So, for families with children, not only hiking campaigns on therapeutic mountain air can be planned, but also accommodation at the All-season ski resort "Arkhyz", where not only classes and entertainment for adults are provided, but also for children - skating rink, swimming pool, snowboard, actually Children's zones, botanical garden, museum complex, and also interesting and benefits will be held in the center of crafts and national crafts.

Rest season in Arkhyze. When is it better to go to Arkhyz on vacation? 18509_2

The rich animal world of the reserve, the territory of which is actually the Arkhay, gives the opportunity to meet in the natural environment as long as animals, birds, insects. Intriguing and archaeological finds of this mountainous area together with nicely preserved the oldest buildings of temples, mysterious mengirors of obviously still pagan origin, rocky image of Nicholas of the Wonderworker, etc., in one word, Arkhyz is the place where you can come at any time of the year and stock up Improved health (thanks to the surrounding nature, and separately mineral sources), as well as wonderful impressions and delicious photographs. Of course, for all this it takes good weather, and it is here. It is no coincidence that This area has become almost the center of the tourist Caucasus, because in addition to the rich set of a wide variety of classes, it is also famous for an amazing climate . Mountain peaks cover the valleys from the winds of the winds, even in July - Summer Makushka - Nezarko (about +15), and in the winter, the thermometer does not fall below -5. Already in mid-November, the snow falls and the joy of lovers of winter sports season lasts about four months. For hiking, cycling, horse hikes, autumn, perhaps, the best time: it is just gorgeous here - dry, picturesque-bright. Almost all year in Arcise is sunny, but the mountains are mountains, and therefore there are cloudy periods, as well as rainy. Most of the sky is tightened with clouds in the spring, the most "wet" month is May. It is during these periods that the tourist stream is somewhat radically, and, it means that it affects the price level. In general, the climatic characteristics of Arkhyz are noticeably superior to many similar resorts located in Europe. Of course, choose time for a trip to these places follows, based on many indicators, say, having small children, travel purposes, health status. But at the great expense of the Archyz is very democratic and the hospital fellow year round.

Rest season in Arkhyze. When is it better to go to Arkhyz on vacation? 18509_3

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