Rest in Strasbourg: pros and cons


Now Strasbourg is constantly on hearing. It is in this French city that the European Parliament and other international organizations and structures are quartered.

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Therefore, for us it was logical to visit this citadel of European parliamentarism in the May weekend. The modern building of the parliament was located, in fact, on the outskirts of the city. Around it, the old buildings are currently destroyed and, apparently, parking will be located on the vacation place, because Leave the car there just nowhere, well, except, in the alleys under the base houses.

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The name of the city - Strassburg is in no way connected with ostrich, and in the free translation means the city of streets. I would not call Strasbourg to the resort. It is just a very interesting peculiar city with beautiful monumental buildings in the center and amazingly smiling friendly people. In this city, you feel care of people at every step. Very developed public transport system. Modern beautiful trams slide silently on the streets. Almost every 250 -300 m are located buses stop. They differ in originality and new buildings: it is almost impossible to see two absolutely identical buildings, which is very distinguished by the city architecture of this city from the German cities located nearby, although Strasbourg was a long time as part of the German industrial area of ​​Alsace.

This year, the May Days were overlooked by cloudy, drizzled the rain constantly, only the occasion appeared the sun. Therefore, we took the car for rent and examined the city and its sights, without leaving the salon. It was pleasantly surprised that paid parking only on the central streets (on holiday and weekends are free of charge), and on the streets adjacent to them you can park for free for 1-2 hours (prudently putting special cardboard watch under the glass).

True, on weekends and holidays, public transport practically does not work, but there are many taxis that are ready to deliver you to anywhere in the city and the suburbs. You can, almost for a symbolic fee, rent a bike.

It was interesting to observe how May Day celebrated. A handful of people gathered in the city center, a maximum of 50 people with flags. The streets were deserted.

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I think that children will be very interested to visit the unique chocolate museum. We, at least for a long time not children, received a huge pleasure from his visit. And then, in the nearby cafe, drank hot chocolate with very tasty cakes. We were even able to visit the play in the local theater, which was very interesting.

By cons of visits to Strasbourg, the fact that neither English, nor German there, even in the amphibes of the hotel. Therefore, because of ignorance of French, we often felt not so comfortable as I would like. Strasbourg is a secure city. Therefore, you can even go to one girl if, of course. It may be interesting to relax from acquaintances and enjoy the beauty of architecture and French culinary delights in full solitude. There can be many people around, but they will in no way invade your space. As far as many people were not in the lobby of the hotel, a museum or restaurant, but everything themselves and do not overshadow their presence.

If I was asked about whether we would like to visit Strasbourg again, I would answer more and more. Such wonderful air, beautiful clean streets, cozy cafes and restaurants, museums, some special spirit of peace and harmony, are unlikely perhaps somewhere else to find. Yes, and say that we managed to see everything you wanted for those a few days that were in Strasbourg, it would be wrong. Therefore, there is no doubt that we still have to visit this special city again, which organically combined German and French mental capacity. Although, in the external plan, only toponyms are preserved from German.

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