Weekend in Catalan


Barcelona, ​​Barcelona! Who and what this city is not only associated. For example, I have with football, a huge stadium "Camp Nou," will not leave indifferent even people who are not interested in football. My girlfriend associates him with Gaudi and his unusual architecture. All Barcelona has its own and everyone has different.

I'll say right away, we were not going to lie on the beach, since many attractions have been painfully assembled in this city, but we only had a trip for 5 days. I traveled with a friend.

We arrive at Loocoster to Girona, we took the bus tickets to Barcelona. It cost us about 15 euros per person. We arrived at the station and going to the subway, fell into a small stupor. It seemed to us more precipitors than in Paris) But after 15 minutes figured out and went to the hotel that was booked with us. We lived right around Spain Square. On this area there is a building, on the last floor of which there are several cafes and from there a stunning view of the city and to the park. Hoan Miro.

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In the park itself, we did not come in, because there was some kind of grand conference and allowed only to pass /

As I wrote, I have a mandatory point for visiting was the Camp Nou Stadium. The entrance ticket costs 23 euros per person. I jumped there and ran like a child! Cups, photos, old football attributes and of course the impression when you leave the tunnel to the stadium. Tool, indescribable!

Since the time of the series "Friends", I remember the name of the mountain - Tibidabo, I learned only later that this mountain in Barcelona. Saving a couple of euros on the bus, we decided to rise to a stop of the funicular on foot. I say to everyone and now - do not repeat our mistake !!! Pay you these pair of euros and comfort, in a couple of minutes, get to the funicular. From the topper stunning views of Barcelona, ​​on the whole city. And who is not afraid of heights, can rise even higher on the statue of Christ.

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Not far from the mountain, there is a Park Guel, where unusual houses designed by Gaudi are collected. Very interesting and green place, in the heat to walk the most it is!

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The park seems to be not big, but you can find a quiet and secluded place. Quietly sit and enjoy a good mood.

We did not go around the party and Sagrada la surname. "Eternal Construction" - as many people call it. Impressive, but more on postcards, as building cranes are very much disturbing.

Of course, this is not all the sights of Barcelona, ​​but maybe it is for the better that we have gaps that we are happy to reveal on our next trip. Maybe the Catalan and not the smallest and cheerful people, but they chose a very successful place! =) Therefore, my opinion, Barcelona must be visited for several days!

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