The most interesting excursions in Nazareth.


Nazareth is a significant Christian city in Israel. It can be safely called a settlement with a rich history. Tourists who were in Nazareth are literally understood from the first minutes how serious here are to faith, religion and spirituality. Indeed, in the largest Arab city, more than thirty churches and monasteries, who peacefully get along with mosques and synagogues. But this is far from the only dignity of Nazareth. His colorful houses and crucible narrow streets produce no less impression on tourists than holy buildings.

To familiarize yourself with all the sights and interesting corners of Nazareth, tourists may during independent walk or professionally organized excursion. Moreover, an excursion option may be much more interesting and informative. Especially if you consider that the city information and tourist bureau is arranged a variety of tours of Nazareth.

Mysterious and exciting walk in the market

If you can buy tourists to book a local market excursion accompanied by an experienced guide. After all, acquaintance with Nazareth without a visit to the city market will not be full. Hiking promenade in the bazar lasts about one and a half hours. During this time, tourists manage to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the old city and wander among the colorful tents offering a huge selection of goods. The old Nazareth market is considered one of the most interesting markets in Israel. He will be a snake along the narrow streets of the Old Town and is not only an important tourist object, but also a real existing Eastern Baza.

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Not so long ago, this place was restored, as a result of which the market became even more colorful and at the same time was able to preserve the traditions of Eastern trade.

The starting point of the excursion is the Street of Cossacks, two steps from which the Nazareth market begins. Tourists can be reached here by Pavel VI, passing through the city center. I barely stepping into the territory of the bazaar, travelers will spit a pleasant mixture of flavors. Everywhere hoves the smell of fresh fruit, arabic coffee, fried meat, hummus and falaph. Right at the entrance to the city, there is a large set of shops, among which there is a shop of traditional sweets. The guide will certainly advise tourists to look at it for a couple of minutes. The next point of this sightseeing tour will be a visit to the White Mosque located in the heart of the old market. To go inside, it will be able only to dressed tourists. This nuance should be previously taken into account by going on a tour and dressed more compromising.

Next, the walk will take place among vegetable stalls and shops selling hookahs. At this interval of the sightseeing path of the wallets of tourists, they begin to lose weight noticeably, which you will not say about the next stop, known as the bride market. The final stage of the market excursion will be a visit to the beautiful Basilica of Annunciation. Inspection of this two-level church will secure a pleasant impression of the whole walk.

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Acquaintance with all excursion facilities will be accompanied by cognitive and interesting guide stories.

  • The cost of excursion depends on the number of participants and on average is 150 shekels. It is most often carried out in English or Russian. The time of the excursion falls on the first half of the day, since the working day in the old market is completed at 16:00.

Temples and monasteries of the city

A tour of a significant churches and temples of Nazareth is one of the most popular. Its duration ranges from two to two and a half hours. Part of the excursion passes on foot, and part - by car (bus). During the walk, tourists can get acquainted with the ancient and modern church buildings, as well as admire the picturesque nature of Nazareth.

An excursion from inspection of the Church of Jesus-Hotel, located on a high hill in the western part of the city begins. This place is considered one of the most beautiful in all Nazareth. The roof of the church is decorated with the statue of Jesus - a year, and internally striking amazing acoustics, wonderful stained glass windows and an atmosphere of calm.

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After examining this place and making panoramic pictures of the Old Town, tourists accompanied by a guide descend on the stairs to the top of the mountain. Further, the excursion continues on foot along the narrow alley of Nazareth to a small Franciscan Church of Mens Christ. It is almost impossible to inspect this place. The fact is that to get inside the church can be exclusively by prior arrangement, which the guide organizes. The interest of travelers to this church is associated with a slab from the chalk installed inside a small building. According to the guide, this slab is called the "Table of Christ". According to the reference to him dined the Risen Jesus together with the apostles.

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Next, the walk will go on a beautiful alley, resting in the monastery of the sisters of Nazareth. This place is a whole complex of buildings, which, like the previous monument, can only be inspected by prior agreement. Thanks to the guide in the monastery, tourists can explore the ancient burials, the remains of the ruins of houses and columns, dated the period of the Roman Empire. In the monastery museum, tourists admire the collection of vintage coins and hear a lot of interesting stories from the life of the nun. The last point in the excursion will be visited by the Basilica of Annunciation, without acquaintance with which no tour of the city.

At the request of tourists, changes can be made to the route map. Most often, at the request of travelers, the guide makes an extra stop near the English Church, located near the monastery of Sisters Nazareth.

  • Book a tour of the monasteries and churches of the city, tourists can both in private guides and the information and tourist bureau. The cost of the excursion ranges from 99 to 170 shekels. Mandatory condition for participation in a walk is a modest outfit. Otherwise, the church buildings inside will not work.

And also, near the Basilica of Annunciation, the information center for tourists is running. It is possible to take a map of Nazareth and the surrounding area to be free, indicating all the attractions and monuments.

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