Transport in Seoul.


In such a huge megalopolis, like Seoul, there is a developed transport system. On the city you can move on buses of four species, the metro, suburban trains (including aeroexpress) and taxi.


Nowadays, this type of transport belongs to the most comfortable and popular ways of movement along the capital of South Korea. In total, there are about two hundred routes in Seoul, and in order to avoid buses for buses there are special traffic stripes. Thanks to the possibility of free to reset from one route on another and extensive network of routes on buses, you can reach anywhere in the city.

Buses painted in yellow, blue, green and red. Yellow serves routes in the center of Seoul, also visiting Namsan; blue run between districts within the city; Green - inside each area; Red - connect Seoul with suburbs.

Drive paid with transport cards or cash . If Platitis cash, then the ticket will cost approximately 1150 won (for the red suburban bus price will be 1950. ), moreover, it is impossible to reset to another route for free; and here on the card will be cheaper - 1050 won (in the suburban, respectively - 1850. ), and besides further Free transfers between routes.

Travel on yellow bus is worth 950 Cash or 850 - by transport card.

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The subway in Seoul is one of the most loaded in all of Asia. This transport subsystem is subject to corporation Seoul Metro..

In total, nine lines are laid here, and among them - and two railways line: Chunaenson (중앙선) and Pundanson (분당선). Metro lines, as in many other cities of the world, are numbered and marked with different colors. Station designations and lines cards are duplicated in English. In the transfer stations, set plates with arrows and inscriptions: "갈아타는 곳 / TRANSFER" that show transitions to other branches.

For payment of travel in the subway exist Disposable transport cards . They stand About 1150 won (for adolescents from 13 to 18 years, the price is 1050, for children from 7 to 12 years old - 500 won ). These cards are sold in automata at stations. They cannot be used in other types of transport. The card requires immediately enroll 500 won collateral which after returns.

Types of tickets and transport cards

The cost of travel in public transport Seoul depends on the distance and calculated on this principle: the base price within ten kilometers is 1050 won, for every five kilometers the following 30 km - 100 won, every 10 kilometers of the following forty km - another 100 won. Travel tariffs in the city are fixed, so this information is simply an introductory, you can not particularly bother on this. How can you pay in buses and metro, I already wrote; Taxi take cash and transport cards. What exactly - read below.

Map "T-Money"

The most popular type of transport card is "T-Money". It is sold both in ticket office and in any trading point. With this card, you can use any kind of public transport (the fare is less than for cash), while there are discounts on transplants between different types of transport. To obtain such a discount, you need to activate the card using a cartride located at the inlet and output from the transport.

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You can immediately put some amount on the card - from 1000 to 90,000 won, and then replenish the balance when it is necessary. The removal function is available from the card - this operation is performed at any trading point where "T-Money" is inscription.


With this card, passengers are provided with the opportunity to make up to twenty trips per day on buses and the metropolitan. Such a card is valid On the day (costs 15 thousand won), two (25 thousand won) and for three days (35 thousand won).

IMPORTANT: With this card you will not be able to drive through the 9th line of the subway and in transport, running between Seoul and IncheonoM. . Return the transport card is not subject to return.


This map combines the capabilities of the two above-described maps. With it uses urban transport - the subway and buses. You also receive big discounts when visiting Seoul attractions, you can use "Seoul City Pass Plus" in stores and receive discounts in some catering establishments. Buy such a map, replenish the score on it or returned in retail outlets with the inscriptions "T-Money". After returning the card, money from the account is returned, except for collateral (it is 500 won).

Seoul taxi

Taxi in Seoul takes simply on the street or called by phone. Such transport is safe, comfortable, and most importantly - quite inexpensive. Many of the local taxi drivers know English. On a free car burning yellow or blue light.

Taxi cars are Simple and luxury ("Deluxe") . If the machine has a sign "Kind Call Taxi" or "KT Powertel" This is the synchronous translation device (including from the Russian), cash register, counter and navigator.

The price of travel for an ordinary taxi is calculated as follows: when landing and for the first two kilometers, 1600 won is paid, and after every 150 meters - on a hundred won. When passing less than 14.75 kilometers in the hour of the road there is a purchase - on hundreds of 41st seconds. In nighttime (namely - from midnight to four o'clock in the morning) The fare rises for twenty percent.

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Luxury taxis are usually painted in black with a yellow strip on the side, on the roof - yellow pointer and the "Deluxe Taxi" logo. Here with the payment of locations the situation is as follows: the first three km are 4 thousand won, for every next 205 m - please 200 won (or for every 50 seconds. Ways, if the speed is below 17 kilometers per hour). And the day, and at night tariffs for travel in such a type of taxi are the same. After payment of the passage, taxi drivers will be issued to you.

All taxis cars work within the city, when traveling beyond the limits of Seoul, the price may increase twice . It will be more correct if, in order to avoid misunderstandings, you tell the driver the desired address in advance before the start of the trip.

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