How to get to Seoul?


The bulk of tourists gets to the capital of South Korea by plane. Total two air harbor in Seoul - Incheon International Airport and Kimkho Airport.

Direct flights In the Russian Federation are performed from Moscow (Aeroflot and Korean Air) are operating in this direction. Vladivostok and Khabarovsk (A / K "Asiana"), St. Petersburg (seasonal flights) and Irkutsk ("Korean Air" flies). There is no direct flight of other cities of Russia with Seoul, so travelers will have to be at first to get to one of the above-mentioned cities.

For the inhabitants of Peter, there is one more flight option to Seoul, which can be considered "approximately straight": I mean FINNAIR flight from Helsinki . Sit on the Allegro train, and in a couple of hours you are in Finland's capital. But this is possible only for those Russians who have a Schengen visa. And otherwise, connecting to Helsinki, as with conventional connecting flights.

How to get to Seoul? 18456_1

Flights in the capital of South Korea Many European carriers working in Russia - for example, such as "Chezh Airlines", "klm" or "lufthansa" . If you choose a flight from any of them with docks in Europe, then on the way you will have to make a big hook; Such a choice may seem illogical, however, for passengers participating in airline data loyalty programs, this option will be quite acceptable.

But what exactly are the flight options to Seoul With docking:

From Moscow - through Beijing (Carrier "Air China"), Tokyo ("Japan Airlines"), Dubai ("Emirates"), Hong Kong ("Cathay Pacific"), Istanbul ("Turkish Airlines"), Prague ("Czech Airlines"), Bangkok ("Thai Airways"), Helsinki ("Finnair"), Duhu ("Qatar Airways"), Abu Dhabi ("Etihad Airways"), Guangzhou ("China Southern Airlines") and Singapore ("Singapore Airlines").

From Peter and Yekaterinburg "Only with some of the above airlines:" Emirates "," Turkish "," Czech Airlines "and" Finnair "(from Yekaterinburg to Dubai - on the flight from Fly Dubai). In addition, TURKISH Airlines carry passengers from Kazan, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk and Sochi; "Chezh Airlines", in addition to these cities, also fly from Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and Perm.

And now there will be a story about the main air harbor of South Korea - Capital Airport Incheon

"Incheon is the largest airport in South Korea and one of the largest passenger traffic in the world. And he, by the way, Since 2005, he was annually recognized as the best civil airport in the world. (According to the International Council of Airports)! There are all the conditions for the convenience of passengers, imaginable and unthinkable, all service services are provided, from habitual tourists, really necessary types of service, to entertainment such as, for example, a casino, game of golf and other pleasant ways to leisure for Tolstosums.

Incheon Airport was built in 2001, to the World Cup. He was erected on the two abandoned Isles of the yellow sea - Jonjondo and Yonyudo, which for this purpose joined themselves. Now "Incheon" - Headquarters and Main Hub for National Carriers ASIANA Airlines and Korean Air.

So, you flew to Incheon Airport. Before Come to the transfer rack and take the airport card to be able to take advantage Free services - Rest rooms, shower, Internet. Also on the map shows hotel, catering establishments, shops, and so on. All designations at the airport are duplicated in English - what, you see, very convenient.

Terminals of Incheon Airport

Chief Terminal This airport is the largest in the world. At all forty-four gaytes, airbus-380 liner-380 can be serviced. The main terminal is working only with two national carriers - Korean Air and Asiana Airlines. The rest of the winged transport is served in the terminal "A".

Terminal "A"

Flights from all foreign carriers are served here. A special train is sent to the Terminal "A" from the main terminal - only so there and you can get. At the station located in the central part of the terminal, pass, bypassing all immigration racks.

Note! After you pass customs and immigration control, banks at the airport will not find . So all the transactions with money are in advance - in a common room. Inside are located Only exchangers The course in which is often unprofitable.

How to get to Seoul? 18456_2

Get from Incheon Airport to the city

Distance from Incheon Airport to Seoul - about seventy kilometers. However, problems, how to get there, you should not have - the transport system here works extremely clearly.

On aeroexpress

With the help of Aeroexpress you can get Right to the center of Seoul, At the station "Sokul Yuk" (where can you calmly reproach to any required metro branch), or To the airport "Kimkho "Administratively also located in the city. Road along the route "Airport Incheon" - "Station Sokul Yok" occupies approximately forty five minutes, the fare - About four dollars . Aeroexpress station is located in the airport terminal on the third underground floor.

By bus

If you do not want to deal with the schedule yourself, contact your employees on informational racks with a hotel armor or address where you need to go, and you will tell you what flight to sit down. By bus can be reached almost anywhere in the city . Passenger landing is produced on the first floor of the terminal. Schedule: 05: 00-24: 00 . Fare: 8-13 dollars . You can pay at the box office or directly in transport.

Branded light blue Buses Airlines "Korean Air" Ride up to the main metro stations, the passage is worth 8-15 thousand won.

From Incheon can be rented in other cities in South Korea. But here you need to find out the schedule in advance, since such transport goes, of course, less often than in Seoul.

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About taxi drivers

Taxi drivers tend to call customers near the doors. But it is better to use the services of the official taxi service, they have a fixed fare. The rack is located near bus stops on the first floor of the terminal.

Contact phones at Incheon Airport: + 82-1577-2600, + 82-32-741-0114.

Good luck!

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