Is Zanzibar suitable for recreation with children?


Ask a small child - and even he will tell you that Zanzibar is in Africa. The place on the globe, repeatedly inspired to create fairy tales, songs and much more, attracts all lovers of travel. Will it be interesting to the child there? Of course. Who does not dream of the Tsuvents for distant countries, elephants, monkeys, bathing in the present Ocean and other interests that one can designate as an "adventure".

Is Zanzibar suitable for recreation with children? 18213_1

To be more accurate, then Zanzibar is really in Africa, but this is not part of the mainland, but the archipelago with the eastern side, and in fact, part of Tanzania, although autonomous. The archipelago does not particularly bother with names: both autonomy, and one of the two largest islands, and the capital - all wears the same name Zanzibar. Yes - there is on Zanzibar and so favorite monkey kids, and another tropical living creature, familiar with them by pictures in books, but If you decide to take your child in such a long-distance, but an exciting tour, you can introduce it with such an abundance of the wonderful and beautiful, which is enough for one drawing album . The same endemic is preserved on the archipelago - that is, there is no longer anywhere else on the entire planet - animals and plants. At the same time, they, thanks to the graceful hot and humid climate, are not just big, but huge: ferns, lian, mangrove trees thicket; Turtles - just gigantic; The view inherent only Zanzibar - the red monkeys are also not small; Crabs and other inhabitants of the ocean bottom ... You can spend a whole day only in the National Park with Monkeys (there is also a cafe, souvenir shop and toilet). But there is another park of butterflies, in which the kids will be able to visually trace the entire evolution of the magical transformation and admire more than 50 types of "flying flowers" and a hall-park with 25 types of snakes and lizards. Excursions are designed in such a way that they cover almost all the beauty of Zanzibar autonomy. And if you settle in a stone city - in the heart of the archipelago, it will be possible to leisurely explore the winding labyrinth of bizarre streets, which have retained not only medieval structure, but also national motion: the houses are made with elements in the spirit of Arabs, Persians, Indians. At the same time, the width of the streets is such that cars are often not accomplished. No less interesting kids and darkened, massive, terrible structures of antiquity are protective forts, palaces, dilapidated walls. And, of course, any child instantly reacts to flavors and smells, and after all The second name Zanzibra is the island of spices. Therefore, in the tour program, you will definitely need to include visiting yoke-affiliated plantations. Perhaps, exploring the bright, mysterious Zanzibar kid or teenager will not even remember the Internet or water park.

Is Zanzibar suitable for recreation with children? 18213_2

The climatic features of this Tanzanian autonomy are very suitable for beach and excursion holidays in the family composition: the average air temperature is +26 .. + 27. Autumn and winter are the most visited here, because during the day at +32 it is good to sunbathe on the magnificent beaches with snow-white and very soft (actually coral flour) sand, and at night you can breathe - the thermometer column is lowered to +25. Almost all Spring and Summer are unsuitable for traveling through Zanzibarsky National Parks and beach joys - pour tropical livne. And here The period from August to October is characterized by infrequent rains, a more gentle air temperature (+25) and poor. So, perhaps, just this time and will be the most convenient for families with children. None "African" diseases of the archipelago are not terrible, the food for a child can be chosen in a good restaurant or cafe, but elementary observance of sanitary standards should be: do not drink water and not brushing teeth with water from under the tap, wash your hands before eating, etc. It does not happen with the placement of problems, since Zanzibar has long mastered the tourist industry for a long time, according to world-class requirements, providing comfortable housing to tourists of any category. When going to take a child on a trip, you should not still forget that Zanzibar is Muslim autonomy, and here it is necessary to respect local laws and morals.

Is Zanzibar suitable for recreation with children? 18213_3

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