Features of the holiday in Golf Juan


French Riviera (or in other words, the Cote d'Azur - with a light hand of a little-known local writer) is unlikely to cause fluctuations - to go, do not go ... it is enough to remind you that it is here the most expensive real estate in Europe, that is, the region is valued very high. And they go here to rest from all the ends of the world not only because of a truly comfortable and pleasant climate - warm winter and hot, but not exhausting and sultry summer - but also because it is probably one of the most "part" places in the Mediterranean coast. In the chain of famous names, smaller resorts are not mentioned, which, however, is not worse than shiny Cannes or the legendary Saint-Tropez. So, between the large resorts of Antibes and Cannes, a miniature, hidden from cold winds, blooming Golf Juan, was sheltered.

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Interestingly, a little further on the shore is another "Zhuan" - Juan-le-Pen. But it is quite different from Golf Juan. And the one and another resort are located in Golf Juan Bay, distinguishing like a day and night. Juan-les-Pen is famous not only for its beaches, but also a stormy nightlife, the abundance of "steep" boutiques with world names, a chic casino and, of course, an annual jazz festival, known all over the world. Golf Juan is primarily the most solid sea port of the country, a thin French color, beautiful nature (sun-sea-mountains) and a strip of berths with snow-white yachts. Those who want to spend their free time are stopped in Golf Juan, engaged in the most various types of water sports or relax on the famous spacious beaches of the azure shore in the somewhat rest. Therefore, youth companies, vigorous newlyweds and simply energetic people who do not endure silence and slowness, go to Juan-le-Pen, and adherents of quiet pastime, as well as parents with young children stay in Golf João.

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Some who visited this small town, complain about the lack of attractions, others return home with whole impressions. Perhaps before going to the road, it makes sense to be curious: where - except, of course, the beach and the rich in the hotel services - can still send your tourist footsteps in Golf João? Depending on interests, inconsistencies, age, the presence of children and many other factors, you can make our own "sightseeing". For example, to visit the Picasso National Museum called "War and Peace". The legendary Pablo Picasso lived and worked in these parts for some time, and did not paint, and Lepil from the famous local clay, whose deposits to this day are collected in the town of Masters of the top class ceramics. It is worth assessing the work of a brilliant master - on the city square, his sculptural creation of "Man and the Lamb" will ride. An unforgettable impression produces a mountain array - de L'Eastrel: a whole series of coastal rocks of the red shade - this is the result of volcanic activity. Of course, many hotels have mini-markets with them, but a curious tourist necessarily goes to the local market so as not only to stock fresh provisions, but also to feel the National Spirit, the nature of the indigenous people of Golf Juan. In essence, you can designate an exit excursion program in travel agency, if you prefer to live in a small town, but at the same time enrich yourself with new impressions - located nearby resorts are rich in various attractions of both natural and historical and architectural plan.

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