Features of recreation with children in Si'an.


Xian is a fast-growing city with a sufficient set of attractions and interesting corners. Regarding whether it is worth spending your long-awaited vacation for a visit to this Chinese resort can say unequivocally - worth it! As for the trip to Xi'an, together with the child, here everything rests on the age of a young tourist, his interests and appeal of the parents themselves. If we talk about a trip with a teenager, then, most likely, it will pass successfully. An oldal child will be able to evaluate significant city monuments, the general atmosphere of SIAN and a non-standard entertainment program. And here is a holiday in Si'an with a small child can prevent surprises. But this does not mean that from a family trip should immediately refuse. Just the nuances of the journey with the Karapuz will have to be thoroughly thought out, and it will be safe to go on the road.

Intorodskoy transport SIAN, suitable for children

Move around the noisy and crowded Siana with a karapuz is not easy. Catch a taxi at the right moment is most often not obtained. And even if the driver of the free car turns attention to you and stops, then there is a new problem associated with misunderstanding. The number of taxi drivers owning English is very small. Therefore, the driver will have to explain "on the fingers." A bus one can be more suitable for moving around the city. In Siana, city buses go from 6 am to 11 pm. True, in the morning and evening hours they are usually crowded. Therefore, climb inside the bus, even with a light pleasure wheelchair, very hard, but the rest of the time the movement on this transport will be quite comfortable. By the routes that cover attractive areas of tourists, they run buses equipped with air conditioning, which is very convenient for traveling with children. In Xiane there is still a small subway, which can be used in the rush hour. The main thing is that the Ciian Metro trains go to the corner of the city.

As for the attractions or shops located near the place of the night, then you can easily reach the child on foot.


In Sihan, you can settle in an expensive hotel or in a youth hostel. Each option is interesting in its own way. Accommodation in the hostel will not be so comfortable, but everything you need for a small guest will still be provided. Considering this version of the budget night, it is worth seeing to the hostels included in the Hosteling International Association. All of them are equipped according to a single standard, but are decorated in accordance with the style and customs of the country in which they are directly located. It is better to choose a hostel within walking distance to all the most popular sites of Xiane. Accommodation in it will cost a little more expensive than in a guest house on the outskirts of the city, but for tourists with a child this option will be the most optimal. In many Siane hostels, staff speak English, and children are ready to feed not only Chinese dishes, but European cuisine. Moreover, guests under the age of 12 can accommodate for free if they won't take a separate bed. As for the presence of a crib, then about its presence is worth clarifying at the time of booking. Having stopped at the Xiangzimen International Youth Hostel with a child, at hand, tourists will have everything you need - shops, attractions, cafes with Western dishes, cozy closed courtyard of the hostel, pleasant atmosphere, small clean room with personal bathroom, paid laundry service (about 10 Yuan for washing) and free access to Wi-Fi.

Attractions of the city, interesting for children

Siana has several attractions that are interested in children. Among them Drum tower located in the heart of the city. This tower previously reported the Current Time. It happened with the help of a huge drum hanging on her top. But over time, the construction was reconstructed twice, and its initial function was canceled. Now it is just the largest drum tower in China, which can be climbed by a symbolic fee. From the top platform of the historical building, a beautiful panoramic view of the modern Siane area opens. Young tourists can interest the museum of musical instruments working inside the tower.

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The exhibits of the museum are tools relating to the period of the Board of the ancient Chinese dynasties. During the inspection of the collection, you can unexpectedly become the viewer of a colorful music show, which at certain hours is held in the museum. Next to the tower there is a green park, on the tracks of which the baby can run away, look into the pools of small fountains and, tired, break on the bench. Right near the park there is a McDonalds, in which you can feed the acrooked young traveler.

The next place where you can look along with the child is urban Botanical Garden . It is located in the southern suburb of Siane near the big pagoda of wild geese. The walk along the fragrant alleys of the garden surrounded by almost three and a half thousand different plants will impress the child. There are more than 100 species of aquatic plants in the park, the dimensions of some are so great that adult can safely fit on their leaves. Thus, the leaves of the local water lily in diameter reach 1.8 meters and withstand weight up to 70 kilograms.

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In the morning of the garden in the garden - a fragrant and exciting event. On the territory of the garden there is a playground with slides and swings. Getting to the botanical garden is the easiest way by bus.

After examining all the interesting corners of Siane, you can sit on bus number 320 or 322 and go to the child in Zoological Park Cinlin . It is located 28 kilometers from the city and in its territory lives more than 10 thousand animals, among which they will manage to see golden monkeys, large sea turtles, white boa and large pandas. The park is divided into two parts. One half can be walking on foot, looking at pets and wooden sculptures. On the second half of the park, movement takes place on the car. In this part in the conditions close to natural, large animals live.

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The zoo is settled by the show birds and animals, acrobatic performances. Not far from the entrance to the Zoological Center there is a zone of amusements with slides, rotating carousels and suspended swings. You can visit the park on any day from 9:30 to 18:00.

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