Holidays in Si'an: Where to eat and how much does it cost?


Tourists who came to rest in Xi'an must certainly do two things - admire the terracotta army of the emperor Qin and try local dishes. In this Chinese city, various culinary traditions of the country are presented, but the primary position still occupies Shensky cuisine. It differs from traditional Chinese cuisine a number of features and at the same time itself is divided into three independent directions.

  • Directly in Xiane is widespread the Guangzhun culinary direction of the local regional cuisine. Local cooks for cooking their dishes use pork and lamb. The application is unusual for the Chinese lamb is due to the interweaving of two cultures - Chinese and Muslim. This is the main feature of SIAN KITCHEN. The fact is that many Muslims live in the city, which are descendants of Arabs, many decades ago, accompanying caravans running along the silk path. And under the influence of their traditions, a number of local dishes remained a kind of copy of Muslim yokes.

To get acquainted with this unusual plexus ingredients, tourists can in the Muslim quarter surrounding one of the city attractions - the Great Mosque. There are many restaurants and there are several street food sales points. Food causane food in these institutions are distinguished by the original saturated aroma and taste. However, it is here that travelers will be able to taste the dish, which is considered not only a gastronomic business card of Xiane, but also the intangible cultural heritage of all of China . This is a soup from lamb with the addition of breadpage. Locals, if I understood correctly, this dish is called Yanzhou Poo Mo. . Something similar in the local places began to prepare in the XI-VIII centuries BC. Now PJSC MO is an aromatic lamb broth with pieces of meat. Separately, freshly baked cakes are served separately to the broth, which vulgarized the visitor will make themselves in a plate with soup. Then all this should be mixed and you can proceed to eating.

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The soup is considered very useful and rich in vitamins. To enhance taste and aroma in some restaurants, garlic, coriander, or additionally serve a sharp chili sauce. For feeding small travelers, a more simplified variation of PJSC MO, cooked on the basis of beef, as the taste of lamb is usually not like to children. Portion of soup is on average 3 yuan.

The admirers of unusual dishes can order an even more peculiar type of soup called Hairdryer Tang Yang Xue . Pieces of meat in this embodiment are replaced by jelly cooked from blood rags. The soup is served hot, the pellet is replaced with noodles. You can eat this creation, you can only putting chili with pepper, the situation does not save even in Suc Tofu and a slide of parsley. Personally, I did not risk you order this soup. My taste receptors had enough experiment with traditional PJSC MO.

From snacks in the Muslim quarter, it turns out to taste the dried pieces of lamb or beef. Juicy pieces of meat are prepared originally in different sauces, and then dried them. As a result, a delicious snack is obtained, which can be eating without fear. Some tourists prefer to buy packaged pieces of dried meat as a souvenir. There is a snack to 15 yuan.

For dessert in Siane restaurants, sweet rice Feng Zuzongzi is usually served . It is a sticky sweet, wrapped in the leaves. Most often, rice is prepared with the addition of fresh honey. In such a combination, the dish is eaten hot, but at will, you can order cold Zongzzi. In them, honey is replaced by jam from rose petals, and accordingly the dish will have a completely different taste. The cost of adhesive dessert is from 4 to 6 yuan.

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List of desserts that can be tried in Xiane complement roasted pellets with persimmon. In the restaurant menu, this dish is indicated as Huanguy Shitszybin . Prepare it from pieces of persimmon mixed with flour and spices. Pellets are fried in boiling oil until golden crust formation. As a result, a delicious dessert is obtained, which is total of 3 yuan.

Enjoy all these dishes in a pleasant atmosphere and, without risk, tourists can choose Restaurant Laosunjia which is located in the Muslim quarter on Eastern Prospect, 364.

Meals in XIA cannot be limited exclusively dishes with a Muslim tint. There is no way without attention to the traditional Xian Kushanye - Pelmeni . In the utensils of the city they are cooked with the most various fillings:

- vegetables (carrots, cabbage and pepper);

- Tofu cheese and chicken;

- meat;

- Mushrooms Shiitake.

The Baojez Chinese dumplings are usually prepared for a pair of yeast or dense fresh dough. They are served under thick sauce. Tourists who do not have experience in handling Chinese chopsticks should not be upset when it will be found that even dumplings in Xi'an eaten by these chopsticks. To avoid falling out the filling and leakage of the broth from thinly rolled Baozima, they should be kept for the "macup" with chopsticks and everything else to hold the spoon. Only at first it will be difficult, and to the completion of the meal everything will be obtained almost perfect.

You can taste the most delicious dumplings in the city of Bay Yuan Meng, 93 V Restaurant Brothers Jia. or in the lane of the face in Center for Dengjia . Traditional Chinese Kushan will cost tourists in 15-20 yuan for a portion.

As for street food, its largest selection is found on Dunxinjie Street . There is a mobile kitchen almost around the clock, but most crowded outdoors to become closer in the evening before the start of the night market. Here, tourists can get acquainted with Chinese fast food in the form of noodle Lanci. This cold dish has a pleasant taste and is popular with tourists, from Mala to Great.

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Pretty noodles are preparing from equal proportions of wheat and buckwheat flour. It is boiled in meat broth. Already the finished dish is squeezed with sesame oil and seasoned with pepper. At the request of the buyer in a cold noodle, an egg, a pear or beef pieces are added. Mile noodles have white and served with cucumber pieces, tofu cheese and special sauce. For lovers of sharply, it is seasoned with red pepper, vinegar and garlic. The portion of the noodle will cost three hundred in about 15 yuan.

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