Where is the best stay at Kilimanjaro?


To date, quite a lot of European, and Russian citizens can proudly consider themselves active tourists, because in their baggage there are many visited countries from different ends of the world. However, there are also plans to be placed on our planet where only the most extent adventures are sent. They will entail all the "most-most", where you can try your strength. So, by itself, Africa for Europeans is already exotic, Tanzania is something "cinema", and Kilimanjaro is at all - whether the fairy tale, or legend, or the symbol ... However, and there is a person's leg too Including Russian. Kilimanjaro is "the most-most" in Africa from all the grand mountain heights, possessing its interesting history, offering to experience himself in a wide variety of hypostatas and at a very different levels. And do not think that the local tourist infrastructure is limited to the routes worked out for decades. And the overnight has long been not the ultra simple tents, where it was possible to just hide from the weather. In short, today to go to fabulous Kilimanjaro means choose one of the most intriguing tourist routes with all its attributes.

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On the grief itself, of course, it does not make sense, especially since it is characterized by a rather cold climate. So much that some of its climbing options involve the experience of movement of climbers in the snow and ice. And here Nearby Administrative Center The same name with the top-volcano area with a population of about 144 thousand people Very even the hospital And in fact, the gates, the gate, the passage - as you please call! "To Kilimanjaro, which is perfectly visible not only from this city - Moshi, but also from all surrounding savannah as Tanzania and neighboring Kenya. Moshi gives the impression of a pretty cute, well-groomed town with prevailing low-rise buildings. Nevertheless, there is a number of educational institutions - from universities and research institutes to a pharmaceutical school. Coffee plantations are located in the vicinity of the city, and there is a waterfall of Materun at a distance of rider kilometers. The tourist sector of the local economy is developing steadily, so much that there is now a Russian-speaking tourist firm in Moshe. Under such conditions it is not surprising that The choice of temporary refuge before climbing Kilimanjaro is quite large . True, the "luxury" level - 4-5 stars - hotels are not enough, something near the pair-triple, but everyone else is quite comfortable, and there are rooms "Suite" and Suite. Prices in the whole hotel sector Moshi are almost the same. For example, the "Standard" number in the three-star Stella Maris Lodge with the included breakfast costs tourists per night about 4,500 rubles. There are also fairly budget hostels in a rustic style, and a complex hotel that makes separately standing round stylized houses on one territory with a communal pool, and hotels with a 2-star designation are simpler in design and economical.

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For someone who gathered to make a rather difficult climbing on Kilimanjaro, the nutrition will play great importance. Tanzania in general and Moshi in particular, of course, noticeably differ in their kitchen from Europe. Such exotic as a crocodile meat with baked bananas or an ostrich roast is unlikely to meet somewhere else. But for the most part, local restaurants and cafes are not "frightening" foreign tourists at all an eccentric food, offering quite "understandable" - using meat goats, chicken, beef. The richness of the animal world gives the possibility of Tanzanians to make focus on meat dishes . Although desserts here are also quite good, for example, coffee-almond - Halua. It is valued for the local beer - delicious and inexpensive. The national alcoholic beverage is made of papaya, looks like a gin taste and is called "Cogna". In addition to native African cuisine, local restaurants are skillfully also in Indian (including Vegetarian), Italian and Chinese. Cancellation of coffee and tea are distinguished here.

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