Unlimited freedom of amptas


Amsterdam all year round lures the crowds of tourists with their free nravami, we did not hold. To be honest, except for Van Gogh and Cofweesopov, we were initially more interested, but from the first minutes, but after going to the Central Station Square, I fell in love with this city. Puppet, as if plastic, multicolored houses, an infinite stream of smiling cyclists, numerous bridges and canals - all this as if the child painted on the canvas with oil, and a kind wizard revived the town of one with a magic wand.

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Each walk through this city has opened all new and new surprises for us. It would seem walking on the same road, and the impressions are always different - then we note the narrowest in the city (less than the meter of the width), then the monument hidden behind the bench is not clear to whom, then street musicians will block the movement and arrange universal karaoke.

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Having shot down the legs in the first two days, we realized that without bikes there to move long, and on transport is expensive. Cyclists There are generally a separate topic here, they are in advance: individual stripes, separate traffic lights, autodifiers are also respectful to two-wheeled neighbors on the motorway. I first stood in a bike stopper! You imagine: Cycling stopper !! Two traffic lights could not drive! By the way the bike path is also allowed to ride motorcyclists, guys on scooters and smarts. All very polite, never found itself in an emergency, but a smiling African American at the traffic lights treated with a kosyachk :)

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The cultural program here yourself can also be organized very rich! Museums and inserts Weight, but if you have time limited by a pair of days, it is better to visit the largest: Museum of Contemporary Art, Van Gogh Museum, Madame Tussao Museum, National Museum and Zoo. The last to the Word is large enough and charming. At first, we and the minor museum tried to get around everything, but after the first triple, they realized that there was nothing special there. In the museum of torture, for example, a couple of rooms with examples of devices, which tied people, and near the table with the manual for use. But only in Dutch, there is not even in English what in Russian ... In the Museum of Erotica, the Museum of Sex, the Museum of Prostitution is almost everywhere: vulgar pictures, figurines, interactive films and sex toys ..

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Night is of course the time of clubs and red lanterns, there are colorful characters they meet such that it will be difficult to forget until the end of days. It is impossible to take pictures in the quarter. It is said that behind each butterfly follows the type guard-pimpetor and, if notice, it will be better to lose the camera or leaving a broken nose. We decided not to risk. In truth, too much vulgarity on these streets, sometimes even thoroughly and unpleasantly becomes unpleasant .. And at all, you don't feel very comfortable, taking care of such a contingent, and the girls are a little sorry, politeness does not allow to approach and consider ...

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In any case, I want to go there again, there was little weeks! There are so many surprises at every step, so many interesting people! I did not have a single negative emotion for the entire trip. This is a dream city, just with a trip to delay not worth it: to enjoy all the bonuses of this city you need to have a good health! :)

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