Paradise is here on the Amber Coast Jurmala


The real summer resort rest, with the hot sun and daily sea bathing in Jurmala gave health for the whole year. It takes everything here: silence, a pine forest, in which the city is completely located, a very long sunny day, pure white sand, and some happy positive attitude of all others. There was no longer a rainy summer, which previously spoke - "Baltic States in the summer - it's the rain all day." No, the climate has changed.

Here I got up early, at 6 in the morning, and on the seashore made a charge, admired seagulls, just walked. A pedestrian walk or cycling - along the seashore - a favorite sport of the holidays. And still food, food, cooked from very tasty products, or lunch in a cafe or restaurant. There was no crowd of tourists in August in August, the July wave had already shifted, just after the festival "New Wave". They stayed and arrived in August those who love Latvia and the Baltic Sea. Here you need to relax with children, for them so much on the beach of free pleasures. Special pleasure and daily ritual - to accompany the day by the sea and watch the sunset. It's late in the evening, and so beautiful! Sometimes it seems that this is a fairy tale, and such just can not be. Recreation center in Jurmala is Bulduri and Dzintari. Majori is a bit no more, there are mainly cafe, restaurants, hotels. A completely unique park to Dzintar is arranged in the forest, there are wooden flooring, and berries are growing nearby, pines are noisy. Children and adults have fun at the original attractions and sports facilities. The feeling is that someone about you constantly thinks and cares with great love. I would like to come again and once again, admire the sea, and go through the whole beach from Lielupe to Pumpuri ... Latvians sing: "This is my homeland, the sandy edge, where the path in the fog leads to the house." Leisure, holidaymakers from different countries will be dismissed by Jurmala's part in their heart. Later I arrived in March. I was struck by sunny weather, the bright blue sky and the feeling of the holiday is in March, traditionally for ordinary cities with gray-dirty and rather cold! Fravel leaves, walks along the shore and in the forest, all this is so simple and so healing the soul. Paradise is here in Jurmala ...

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Paradise is here on the Amber Coast Jurmala 18002_2

Paradise is here on the Amber Coast Jurmala 18002_3

Paradise is here on the Amber Coast Jurmala 18002_4

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