The most interesting places in Novigrad.


The small fishing town of Novigrad attracts the attention of tourists as a quiet and cozy beach resort of the west coast of Istria. Here are preferred to rest lovers of measuring recreation and sea walks. The city has a natural bay protected from the winds with modern pier. An integral part of recreation in Novigrad is considered a yacht walks that deliver true pleasure. No less exciting and cognitive is the hiking promenade in the narrow streets of the resort. During a slow walk, it is possible to fully feel the amazing atmosphere of the city with its old buildings, harmoniously combined with many modern hotels, bars and restaurants. The development of the tourist infrastructure in no way affected the safety of the medieval charm and the charm of Novigrad. Crymented alleys and streets are still melting architectural surprises in a medieval or gothic style.

To the surprise of many tourists in a small Croatian resort, it is possible not only with your head to plunge into beach holidays, but also familiarize yourself with some sights . Moreover, one of them will certainly get resting even during the introductory walk in Novigrad. This is an amazing urban embankment, stretching a few kilometers. In the warm period, the aroma of the sea and the Mediterranean plants is tested here, buoy-growing thanks to the soft climate and attentive care of local residents. From the embankment, the next landmark of Novigrad is departed - part of the preserved fortress wall. Many tourists local gear residues compare with the Kremlin wall.

Novigrad walls defended the city from the middle of the XIII century. On this tourists reported posted near the main fortress gate plate. The protective construction was repeatedly rebuilt and restored. And as a result of all the peripeties, the fortress wall still managed to preserve well. In addition to the walls, tourists can inspect round and four-degree towers of different construction period and arched stone loggia, which is part of the protective wall. Belvedere is facing the sea and adjacent to semicircular maritime gates through which you can go straight to the water.

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Completely evaluate this remarkable building will best get from the sea during the sea walk.

We should certainly take a walk towards the famous Novigrad sights - the Church of St. Pelagia and the Saint Maxim. The parish church was built back in the VI century. Sincere time, its interior has repeatedly reworked, and only a few elements of early Christian and Romanesque styles have been preserved from the initial species. The fame of the church brought ancient stone artifacts found in Kripte. And in itself a vaulted room with two small rooms under church choirs is considered unique. The Psalmings of the XV century are kept in his belt, and confessional decorates the inscription Bishop Adam from 1146.

Next to the three-end church is a bell tower, built like the bell tower of St. Mark in Venice. At the top of her pyramidal roof the statue of the patron saint of Novigrad St. Pelagia. It is made of wood and top covered with thin bronze sheets.

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Find the church Tourists will be able to at the tip of Cape surrounded by Mediterranean pines, protecting this part of the resort from sea waves and wind. To visit this place is separated on any day.

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In the old part of the city there is another remarkable structure - the Church of Holy Agatha. It is located on the Kanfanar Road on the territory of the old city cemetery of the X-XI centuries. The building of the church is made in the Byzantine style. The walls of adjacent to the main construction of the apse are decorated with floral ornaments. Only a few frescoes on the western wall remained from the external decor. At one of them, it is hardly possible to consider the image of Jesus Christ surrounded by angels. Arched entrance to the church decorates the image of Cain and the moment of the sacrifice of Abraham.

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The internally decoration of the temple has not changed over the past two and a century. Looking inside the church, it will be possible to admire the two statues of the Angels of the Torchoronians and painting with the image of the saints. Unfortunately, visit this religious monument to get only only on weekends. The rest of the time to inspect the church is exclusively outside.

This significant monuments of the old town end. The tourist remains to inspect the area with an anchor, which is considered the boundary of the old and modern areas, and also look at the central square of the resort. A cityscape building is hidden here, erected in the XVI century. On the square you can relax and have a snack in one and numerous cafes with a cozy summer terrace. By the way, in the period from June to the end of August, the area of ​​the Old Town is closed to the movement of cars. Therefore, acquaintance with all the sights is possible only on foot.

The completion of the student's student walking in Novigrad can be visited by the Lapidarium Museum. This place will interest both tourists with children and young travelers. The originally designed museum building in the form of two black boxes installed in the middle of the Green Park complements the unique collection of stone exhibits. While visiting the museum, tourists will be able to see fragments of temple decorations and exhibits associated with the cultural and historical heritage of Novigrad. In one of the halls of the Lapidarium, church furniture, altars and canopies belonging to the period from the first to the eighteenth century are exhibited.

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In the summer period, Lapidarium works on all days of the week except Monday from 10:00 to 22:00, with a break from 13:00 to 18:00. From October to March and month, the working day in the museum ends at 18:00, and the break shifts to the interval from 13:00 to 16:00. The entrance ticket to the Lapidarium costs 20 Croatian kun. Children under 14 attend this place for free.

Travelers interested in visual arts, in the presence of free time, can visit the Rigo gallery located on the first floor of the same name of the old palace. And the fans of the naval theme will impress the collection of the fleet museum.

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In an inconspicuous building at number 1 on Minsk Street, a collection of officer uniforms, models of ships, drawings and cards, as well as the tools and weapons of captains, sailors are stored.

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