How to rent a villa in Cyprus?


It's no longer a secret that noisy hotel rest starts to go to the background. More and more I want to relax peacefully, without strangers. Relax and live exclusively in their rhythm. Then it's time to think about renting a villa in Cyprus. Moreover, the price of the issue is no longer much varied.

First of all, you need to choose a place to stay . Limassol and Paphos are most popular, they will be the largest selection of villas at different prices.

Next, you will probably want to take a villa on the seashore, I would not advise you to do this. With a small storm, the house can flood, and this will spoil your holiday very much. It is best to consider villas located on the second line.

So, how best to rent a villa?

It is best directly through the owner, without a mediator. On the Internet there are a lot of such proposals. Make a small prepayment for the reservation of the villa, and the rest pay in place. If someone is afraid of a similar scheme, since the owner is unlikely to provide you with a check on payment, then contact the office, there will be a contract with you and will give all the necessary receipts. However, you will have to give the intermediary a considerable amount for a similar service. Want to overpay?

For example, I passed the reviews on the Internet on the Internet, contacted those people who had already rested in the villa's chosen by me, learned about the owner and whether there were difficulties. If the review is positive, people are happy with everyone, you can book.

Also, it is important to know. That when you rent a villa, you need to take it in the same condition, as they took . For example, a crane broke in the bathroom, you will have to replace it yourself. Even to the lawn and colors in the garden must be treated with caution. To avoid conflict with the owner, be sure to conclude a treaty with him, where it will be spelled out in what condition you received the villa. Any crack, the rubble must be specified that you then have no complaints.

If you are planning to rent a villa for 15 days, and for a month or even for all summer, be sure to postpone a certain amount, because during your stay it can break something. This is quite natural, remember yourself, living at home you probably happened: a door handle broke, departed box in the closet, etc.

When renting the villa there is another concept as a deposit, it should be stated in advance. In addition to the rental cost, you will need to leave a certain amount in the pledge of a certain amount, in case you break something. Information about the pledge, too, must be prescribed in the contract.

What is included in the price of the rental villa?

Accommodation and use of the pool (if any)

Cleaning Villa Once a week

Use of water and electricity in unlimited quantities

Cleaning the pool and gardening once a week.

Sample rental prices.

The price for a week of stay will depend on the month. For example, a small 2-bedroom villa in January will cost about 600 euros, but in summer the price will grow to 1000 euros.

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Two-room villa in Paphos on the second line.

If you need a house more, then it will be more expensive. For the week in the high season you will have to pay about 1,500 euros, and even more expensive.

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Big house on the shore in Paphos.

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