When is it worth going to rest on Brac?


For those Europeans who do not think their annual vacation without a beautiful beach at the clean sea and at the same time do not seek to fly too far, the best proposal will be, periantic resorts. Almost all the coastline of the affectionate Adriatic Sea is covered with the islands of the most different configuration, size, population, and even wild. It would seem that it is difficult to allocate among such a variety "most-most". But, first, the concept of optimal rest from each traveler - its own, and, secondly, the islands are not similar to each other, although they are in one climatic belt. There are quite a lot of family companies for the Adriatic, even with very small kids, the benefit and weather conditions, and the well-developed service makes stay in this truly the resort region almost perfect. For them, a brother remains the best offer.

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Moderately and compact at the same time, moderately populated - without the feeling of cramped and nervousness, amazingly beautiful thanks to the transparent "aquet of tears", the sea, and the friendly mountains, which made a magnificent thermal-loving vegetation, and the lengthy sandy beaches, he had long conquered lovers comfortable in all respects . Current peace and stability hide the century of heavenly history under them, when Brach was inconspicuously gathering prey for some, for other militant invaders. All this, if desired, can be seen in the preserved monuments of antiquities. But First of all, rich pine forests are attracted here, exylling their unique flavor, olive groves and vineyards , giving local residents a permanent job with traditional fishing. I have a brother and your own "highlight", of course: a quarry, who brought him world glory - a special white stone, produced here so far, is used throughout the light when lining and building the most solid buildings, for example, the White House in Washington can boast a finish It is from him. But for tourists who came to the island, it is more important that they can pick up a piece of this amazing stone with themselves - in the form of miniature crafts or even sufficiently weighty products, relevant in a home source. In these edges, it is good to take the children with them to not only give them to soak the sun, the Mediterranean healing air and rinse the warm sea water, but also to show, for example, the village Museum near the largest island city of Supetary - Shkip, Where else the ancient residential buildings are preserved. Or it is worth staying near the species mountain at the famous resort - Bol, near which there is a golden cape who has no permanent borders and all the time changing due to winds and flows. In a word, what place is not to choose a brother - you won't lose. However, it is still before the trip to prepare, and not only in terms of the advance rental of the hotel or apartments (which is here, by the way, quite a lot), but also by choosing the right month.

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Climatic features on the island are indeed very favorable for the beach resort. But do not forget that still it is not subtropics, where the eternal hot summer reigns. By the way, On my brother, even in the peak of the season there is no unbearable heat, because it is blown by continuous wet winds . As for the "high" season, it falls for the period from June to October inclusive. In essence, by the end of April, it is installed here +20, but For sea bathing, water is heated only by June - to +22. The most hot sea in August is about +25. Only since the beginning of November, the coastal water temperature begins to cool, at this time it is already about +18. From November to March on the island, too, well, because beautiful natural types and fresh air do not dry up with the onset of the "low" season. Only should be prepared for the fact that the daily air temperature at this time ranges from +10 to +16, night - from +7 to +13, and the sea holds within +13 .. + 18. All these indicators are especially important for those tourists who are going to take small children on the island. Of course, the "low" winter period affects prices - they are somewhat lowered and can be saved. At the same time, if you have to go to a good hotel, you can get a swimming in sea water (many "luxury" hotels have closed pools with such water, and heated), and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding species and a leisurely peaceful nature of local life.

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