Shopping in Rome. What can I buy? Where? How much?


During hikes on numerous attractions of the Eternal City, you may be slightly tired. To dispel a little, do a pleasant activity of a different kind - visit local shopping centers (if, of course, you are generally a shopping). In this article, I will tell you where you can go shopping in Rome and what product is better to purchase there.

Where to buy

The main shopping street of Rome is Via del Corso which stretches from Piazza Del Popolo to the central square of the city, Piazza Venezia. To get here, use the metro: you will need to go to the station "Flaminio" located on the branch "A". This shopping area is pretty pretty to God's pricing, and this applies not only to the very street of Via del Corso, but also those located nearby. This version of the shopping is suitable for tourists who are not against saving if such an opportunity will be present.

Another street attractive for shopaholics is called Via Nazionale : This is located between Termini Station and Piazza Venice. From both sides of Via Nazionale Street there is a huge number of stores: Sandro Ferrone, Max Mara, Francesco Biasia, Sisley, Bata, Giess, Nanini and etc.

Near Ottaviano Metro Station is st. Via Cola di Rienz o, also rich in a variety of shops, where there is a product for any buyer: among them - stores implementing Jewelry products , as well as those where you can buy Shoes and wonderful, high-quality bags.

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On the streets located around Spain Square (Gregoriana, Condotti, Sistina, Borgognona and Frattina) You will find The most expensive shopping institutions of Rome offering products from famous European manufacturers; It sells things from such well-known designers as Armani, Doice & Gabbana, Valentine, Trussardi and others , so this area is zone of luxury shopping.

Now, in my opinion, it came to tell about major shopping centers located in the eternal city. So let's go ...

Coin network establishments

Coin is a large Italian rietel-firm that built shops in many cities of the country. As for the metropolitan business, here these delts have already four shopping centers. The most popular buyers use those that are on Piazza Le Appio and Via Cola di Reinzo (this is near the Vatican). Coin department store is a mall in a traditional understanding: there is everything that can be required to buy, and such goods that he really needed, and those without which he could in principle and do ... the main "topic" of such a institution is of course , Clothing, this is the usual business for Italian trading. In the Mollah Coin network (to take at least the same store on Piazza Le Appio) is a huge selection of female, male and children's clothing; The listing of all the names of boutiques simply does not make sense, and if it is worth writing on this occasion, it is that here you will find, in addition to the goods from all more or less popular brands (such as Calvin Klein), also products from manufacturers practically unknown widespread public. Such things in Russia, for example, will not get it. This nuance also concerns perfumery, cosmetics and accessories: so if you set out the goal of finding something unique in Italy, then for this it is worth visiting any of the Coin shopping centers.

Network of shopping centers La Rinascente

La Rinascente is a network of shopping centers, the largest in all of Italy. In Rome, such institutions are available on Piazza Fewe, in addition, the branch is located in Galleria Alberto Sordi. The first of the Roman shopping centers, which was founded more than a hundred years ago, belonged to this company. In 1917 there was a fire there, and after the commercial institution was rebuilt, as a result of which it received its current name. It translates approximately as "revived". But after that, the shopping center moved to Galleria Alberto Sordi, so today the main Roman institution of the La Rinascente network is located on the Phume.

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The target audience of this mall, both in former times and now - customers with thick wallets, so prices in La Rinascente are not the lowest. At the first level of the shopping center there are shops of perfumes and cosmetics, the second occupies fashion boutiques with the loud names of the Versace type or Hugo Boss. On the third - shops of clothing, accessories and home products (here prices are more or less available for an ordinary buyer). On the lower floor, products and dishes are sold.

UPIM establishment network

Unico Prezzo Italiano Milano, or short-range UPIM is, as well as those two networks described above, a set of shopping centers that are scattered throughout the country. Seven of them are located in Rome. However, there is a significant difference from the same network of La Rinascente, which you should have, will be pleased to know: in the Mollah UPIM MOLOGA, there is a calculation on the buyer of medium wealth, so the cost of goods is not translated. Here you can buy clothes - men's, feminine, nursery, and the choice of goods is simply wonderful; all kinds of products intended for household goods; Also here traded perfumes, accessories and children's toys. As relying serious trading establishments, the UPIM networks constantly organize sales, in particular thematic; For example, those are carried out before the onset of the bathing season, before the start of the school year, and so on.

Oviesse network

This network stores know far beyond Italy, so Rome is so much boasting a multitude of Oviesse institutions. These shopping centers became famous for the fact that here it is possible for relatively little money to purchase a qualitative thing (meaning, of course, clothing). OVIESSE stores offer a good product choice, so it will be rapid for buyers of various ages. In addition to clothes, Oviesse shopping centers will be interesting to those who hunt for cosmetics or perfumes - the choice of products of this kind is excellent. It is not surprising that the establishments of this network enjoy high popularity.

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