What interesting places should be visited in Sanya?


Sanya is able to surprise any traveler. This is an ambiguous resort in which the exotic flora is adjacent to luxurious hotels, and from the windows of numerous shopping centers you can admire the coastal zone or picturesque mountain landscapes. This city is the southernmost not only on the island, but in all of China. Year-round abundance of the sun, clean sea and an extended beach stripe make the sled at the attractive place to relax. Here you can do it all day in the sun, engage in snorkeling or try to get up "on the board". And also, as if tourists neither tried, during the visit to Sanya, it would not be possible to avoid running on local shops and shopping complexes. Souvenir benches and specialized boutiques at this resort, exactly more than monuments and museums. And if, to speak honestly, there are practically no attractions in Sanya itself. However, this does not mean that the inquisitive travelers and admirers of architectural masterpieces will disappoint a resort city, which for several centuries was called the edge of the sky and the sea.

  • In the vicinity of Sanya there are many museums, temples and parks who are ready to acquaint tourists with Flora and fauna, as well as with the culture and religion of the resort and the whole island. Especially for tourists from Sanya, educational and entertainment tours of these attractions are organized. However, most of the interesting places can be visited independently. Some natural and historical monuments, despite the fact that are outside the resort, belong to the tourist sites of Sanya. Such are the park "Edge of Light" and the Taoist Park "Heavenly Grottoes", the Temple of Confucius and the center of Buddhism. But not only for acquaintance with him you need to spend time. If desired, travelers can visit the following sights.

Reindeer Park, Looking Back

The picturesque park is located just four kilometers from the city at the highest mountain Luhateou. The easiest way to get to this place by bus №2 or 3 through the bay of Dadonghai on Liling Road to the Park Ticket Kiosk. By itself, the park is small and his highlight is considered a stone statue of a deer, looking back, with a guy standing on the sides and a girl from a tribal.

What interesting places should be visited in Sanya? 17825_1

This twelvemeter composition displays the history of the park origin and illustrates a beautiful legend associated with the sacred to the indigenous people. According to the legends, the young hunter pursued a deer for a long time until he drove him on a sheer cliff. He was already ready to release an arrow into a noble animal, how suddenly the deer looked back and wonderfully turned into a beautiful girl. The guy at first glance fell in love with a stranger, and the deer girl not only answered him with reciprocity, but also helped the young man save his mother from death.

It is this deer is considered to be the ancestor of the people of Lee and its sculpture for many years already decorates the top of the mountain. In addition to this monument in Park has a few more corners associated with love and loyalty. . Near the stairs installed a stone heart with a hieroglyph "Love". Visitors of all ages are photographed here, and lovers leave the locks on the next wall with chains. Many believe that the symbolic effect in the holy place is bonded by love. A little further in the park there is an alley of lovers, where you can release white pigeons into the sky for a small fee. And the owner of the birds this moment captures on your camera. Next to the avenue grows a large tree of love. On his branches, it is customary to hang paper hearts with their names and red ribbons for the fulfillment of desires.

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In addition, there is a white and red pavilion on the mountain. From one there is a marvelous view of the sea and the city, and sitting in the second can be studied the outlines of the island of lovers. Inspection of the park does not take much time, but delivers a lot of pleasure. All sorts of stone pedestals, tropical plants and flowers are impressive adults, and children are more impressive wild monkeys and lizards living in the park. To navigate where it is located helps the card drawn on the back of the input ticket.

To visit this corner of Sanya is open until 23:30. In the first half of the day, the park is LOMOGOLUDEN and only in the late afternoon it is filled with tourists when green laser rays be shone from the top of the mountain. They alternately illuminate different parts of the city and this amazing spectacle is worthy of travelers.

The entrance ticket to the park is 45 yuan, but I would advise you to spend 15 more yuan and rent a car driving on batteries. He delivers visitors to the top of the mountain in a matter of minutes, while independent walking climb takes a lot of time and is very cold. It will be possible to go down to the top of the mountain, it will be possible by the same transport or on a special trolley, descending on the narrow groove from the top of the mountain down.

By the way, at the foot of Luhateau, you can look into the deer nursery, where rare species of a noble animal are bred.

What interesting places should be visited in Sanya? 17825_3

Here visitors are allowed to feed, iron and photograph deer. The entrance to the nursery has a small shop, which sells products from raw materials of animal origin - ointment from deer fat, souvenirs, and so on.

Park "Edge of Light"

This place is located a little further than the previous park - almost 25 kilometers from the resort. Conditionally the park is divided into two zones. One half is a coastal strip filled with large and small smooth stones chaotic scattered in the sand. Some boulders are half immersed in water, while others are marked by hieroglyphs. Walking among these wonderful blocks, you meet "Stone, supporting the sky" and "Stone of broken hearts".

What interesting places should be visited in Sanya? 17825_4

The most famous of the Natural Exhibits of the Park is a ten meter stone "Edge of Light", which is already more than two and a century considered to be an extreme southernmost point of China. And the confirmation of this is the inscription in Chinese, performed in 1733. With a park, a lot of legends are connected and all it is very sad.

Organized tourist groups fill in the park in the afternoon, and then it becomes problematic to make good photos or calmly stroll along the labyrinth from stones.

The second half of the park is no particularly highlighted - a simple natural corner with trees, bushes and central avenue. True, there are many information tablets in this part of the park that is so lacking on the beach area.

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You can get to the park from Sanya on a tourist bus that departed from the bus station. The passage in one direction will cost 5 yuan. Walk will take no more than 1.5 hours, after which you can look into the sea zoo and return to the hotel. Moreover, the zoo is located just 300 meters from the park. Visit the stone park will work on any convenient day from seven in the morning to seven in the evening. The entrance ticket to the beach with natural creations costs 50 yuan, and the walk through the park with a guide poured into 89 yuan.

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