Why is it worth going to Platanias?


Assembly to visit Greece, unwittingly remember the unforgettable goat Prutkova about the "unknown". However, there is such a place in this ancient state, where, they say, almost the most Greek is concentrated: the island of Crete. The largest within the country, standing out economically and culturally among all other areas, which is divided into four solid areas with the most popular resorts, he earned his loud good glory. The fourth of Cretan regions includes modest plane diapers.

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Modesta Platanias has the status of the "village", which, according to Russian standards, probably, it would hardly worthy of attention. But in Greek - very much. Since it is - Resort settlement with world popularity and highly developed infrastructure for vacationers . Swimming young people with pleasure spending time in discos, paintball, in bars and taverns. The village surprisingly combines and noisy nightlife, and privacy, peace, serenity for those who are looking for them. For particularly active, the items of rental scooters, bicycles, quad bikes, cars and motorcycles work. In a word, you can move around the surroundings on which the soul will wish. And the surroundings of it deserve: once the village was built on the mountain hill like the amphitheater, today it was reached by the very first coastline, orange groves surround the village, like a fragrant cloud, so there is a walk with the breeze. Very spacious, spacious local beach with pleasant small sand is no longer the first year becomes the owner of a valuable "Blue Flag" - The purity of coastal waters is roaring here. This often becomes a decisive factor for family tourists traveling with children. Pleasant plus: the coastal zone is equipped with everything necessary - from sun beds and umbrellas to restaurants and changeable cabins. If we get tired of just lying under the hot southern sun, you can enjoy water entertainment. You can also diversify your vacation by sea travel to the island, the benefit of this is in the vicinity of the Platanias of the proximity - the island of Saint Theodor. There - the ancient ruins of the chapel, a complete deserted and protected type of goat "Cry-Cree". The proximity of the motorway, which passes through the entire northern coast of Crete, allows tourists to move freely throughout the four regions of the island. Moreover, not only on a taxi or leased transport, but also on the second buses. You can live in Platanias - beautifully sunbathing and swimming, no less perfectly get enough sleep in silence and rest, and the mass of typically Greek impressions to receive every day with a new trip on the Crete, on which there seems to be all: Venetian Castle, Zeus Cave, Lake With Fresh Water - Kursnas, archaeological excavations in a number of settlements, the Samarius gorge and a lot of other interesting things. The charm of the status of the "village" is also that there are no high-rise buildings, and therefore a lot of air, sunlight and sky.

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Varieties of local temporary housing perfectly satisfy the high demand of tourists of the most different orientation. Youth companies, childless couples, water entertainment lovers willingly settle down in hotels in 2-3 stars. More "luxury" options prefer family guests, newlyweds and those who are not used to themselves to refuse. In addition, you can rent an apartment or even the entire turnkey house at the locals. The main thing is to take care of the rental ahead, since the popularity of the village on a global scale is quite high. Platanias is welcome to all coming, the local population towards tourists is quite peaceful, therefore, speaking about safety in the resort, it is enough to remind the banal thefts that can be avoided if you can be more closely.

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