Tel Aviv - Mix of East and West on the Mediterranean Sea


When going to relax in Israel, we chose Tel Aviv from the calculation that you can choose to choose in a big city on any wallet, and the transport message allows you to visit any corner of Israel without any problems. After all, the country is small, any excursion will take no more than a day. In this we were not mistaken - buses and trains in Israel are worthy of all attention, free Wi-Fi - a separate mention. The beaches were magnificent, lovers of kite, Windows - and simply surfing will find themselves like like-minded people, good schools and wonderful waves.

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But .. The first impression was by no means delight. We are European tourists, for the first time went beyond the old age of Europe. And the first thing that rushed into the eyes in the center of Tel Aviv is dirt. We shot apartments on Allenby Street, near the carmel market. To the sea - very close, 10 minutes walk in a quiet step. But it turned out that the Yemen Quarter with the corresponding contingent around. Yes, and the market itself - dirt, trash, crowd. In general, Allenby 60 apartments have no longer surprised, on a background. Photos for Buking were made immediately after repair, and there was this repairs, probably 10 years ago. The condition is slightly thought. Normal, calm tourists this area - I do not recommend.

What can not be missed - a walk in Jaffa. The old town is simply great, and in the afternoon, and with evening lighting. Be sure to go to the quarter of artists - narrow streets, workshops of artists, the decor of the houses inhibit.

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I advise you to go to the fish restaurant "Old Man and the sea" - very tasty fish and seafood, wonderful service. Suggested immediately a huge selection of snacks and sauces, delicious pellets, natural lemonade.

For trips to Israel, I highly recommend the train. Fast, comfortable, again - with Wi-Fatch. Easy to get to the airport Ben Gurion and from it. When landing on the train - do not lose your ticket. You will need it to leave the station.

And in Tel Aviv there are a lot of bicycle rental points. This is a very popular type of transport, especially the tracks over the sea. And delicious baking, almost every step. But do not ask the bunch with cheese and sausage - it is noticeable :)

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